Presented hybrid trains and aircraft to combat congestion
Hybrid system of public transport will soon become real. Not so long ago presented the project Hоrizon Mass Trаnsit Systеm – electronic system of the new public transport which on the idea is a hybrid of the plane and the train. The main objective of the project is to struggle against traffic jams and automobile exhaust.
Using magnetic levitation mechanism, the large aircraft can pick up passengers in small trains SkyLinк. Plane and trains are constantly moving, thus preventing the possibility of creating traffic in front of the huge airports and on the highway. Unlike the Clip-Air — which is also an innovative system of aircraft — the System "Horizon" is no pilot, this means that the project uses the largest drone that was once designed.
After the train zapolnyaetsya and goes on the runway, it picks up the SkyShip. The train gently accelerates to match the speed of the approaching aircraft, then he carefully "pulled out" of the way and lifted the plane into the air, to then be carefully lowered on the road in front of the destination. http://player.vimeo.com/video/64302638
Source: /users/413

Using magnetic levitation mechanism, the large aircraft can pick up passengers in small trains SkyLinк. Plane and trains are constantly moving, thus preventing the possibility of creating traffic in front of the huge airports and on the highway. Unlike the Clip-Air — which is also an innovative system of aircraft — the System "Horizon" is no pilot, this means that the project uses the largest drone that was once designed.
After the train zapolnyaetsya and goes on the runway, it picks up the SkyShip. The train gently accelerates to match the speed of the approaching aircraft, then he carefully "pulled out" of the way and lifted the plane into the air, to then be carefully lowered on the road in front of the destination. http://player.vimeo.com/video/64302638
Source: /users/413