The healing properties of garlic
Garlic oil
Softer and gentler than fresh garlic, you have garlic oil. It is used for the treatment of diseases of the ears, rash, candidiasis, and lung burns.
To prepare its not difficult. For this you need to mix equal amount of vegetable oil and a paste of garlic, close the container with the prepared mixture and let stand in a warm place for ten days, occasionally shaking. Then drain and dobaviti few drops of glycerin. Store garlic oil in the refrigerator for two months months.
Aqueous extract
Aqueous extract of garlic will help in keeping the tone of the digestive system, food poisoning and indigestion. To prepare an extract to pour the crushed garlic cloves with cold water (preferably spring or melt), shake well, leave for a day in a dark cool place, then strain. Take ½ -1 glass 2-3 times a day before meals.
Source: /users/559
Softer and gentler than fresh garlic, you have garlic oil. It is used for the treatment of diseases of the ears, rash, candidiasis, and lung burns.

To prepare its not difficult. For this you need to mix equal amount of vegetable oil and a paste of garlic, close the container with the prepared mixture and let stand in a warm place for ten days, occasionally shaking. Then drain and dobaviti few drops of glycerin. Store garlic oil in the refrigerator for two months months.

Aqueous extract
Aqueous extract of garlic will help in keeping the tone of the digestive system, food poisoning and indigestion. To prepare an extract to pour the crushed garlic cloves with cold water (preferably spring or melt), shake well, leave for a day in a dark cool place, then strain. Take ½ -1 glass 2-3 times a day before meals.
Source: /users/559
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