An invaluable benefit of cranberry for Your body
Cranberry juice with honey helps with sore throat and cough. In a glass of warm cranberry juice and add honey to three tablespoons. Gargle 3 times a day and drink in small SIPS.
Cranberry juice will relieve fatigue, improve brain activity and increase efficiency.
The leaves of the cranberry. One-third Cup of cranberry leaves to half a liter of water boil for 10, cool and decant, add one Cup of cranberry juice and drink four times a day. It is from diarrhea.
Cranberry. Take half a Cup of cranberry juice, beets, rutabagas and potatoes. Honey added to taste. Use a tablespoon three times a day. In diseases of the stomach and chronic gastritis to eat for two weeks.
Cranberry juice is recommended to drink during pregnancy.
Source: /users/559

Cranberry juice will relieve fatigue, improve brain activity and increase efficiency.
The leaves of the cranberry. One-third Cup of cranberry leaves to half a liter of water boil for 10, cool and decant, add one Cup of cranberry juice and drink four times a day. It is from diarrhea.
Cranberry. Take half a Cup of cranberry juice, beets, rutabagas and potatoes. Honey added to taste. Use a tablespoon three times a day. In diseases of the stomach and chronic gastritis to eat for two weeks.
Cranberry juice is recommended to drink during pregnancy.
Source: /users/559