Not included tablet: what to do?
If You can't turn on the tablet, the first thing you need to remember, not dropped it recently, and inspect the device for damage. If the tablet surface is scratch, crack etc., you direct road to service center. To repair to do not advise, especially if your tablet is still under warranty. It is better to entrust the repair to a specialist.
If superficial damage is not, perhaps, the reason the program crashes the OS Android. First, you just hold down the power button, hold it 15 seconds then release and try to turn it on as usual, usual pressing.
If this does not help, try to restart the tablet manually. To do this, locate the reset button. In most devices it is small and recessed into the body, so it was impossible to restart randomly. So to restart you will need to use a sharp object — a toothpick, a thick needle, paper clip etc, Press the button gently, so as not to accidentally damage it.
If a normal reset does not work, you can try the so-called "hard reset" (Hard Rеset). This restart will do the roll back, i.e., return Android to factory settings upon purchase. We must note that this will remove all your installed apps and downloaded directly to a tablet files, so this method should be used when a normal reset did not help.
As to the tablet to connect a USB flash drive, You can read in this article.
Source: /users/413
If superficial damage is not, perhaps, the reason the program crashes the OS Android. First, you just hold down the power button, hold it 15 seconds then release and try to turn it on as usual, usual pressing.

If this does not help, try to restart the tablet manually. To do this, locate the reset button. In most devices it is small and recessed into the body, so it was impossible to restart randomly. So to restart you will need to use a sharp object — a toothpick, a thick needle, paper clip etc, Press the button gently, so as not to accidentally damage it.
If a normal reset does not work, you can try the so-called "hard reset" (Hard Rеset). This restart will do the roll back, i.e., return Android to factory settings upon purchase. We must note that this will remove all your installed apps and downloaded directly to a tablet files, so this method should be used when a normal reset did not help.

As to the tablet to connect a USB flash drive, You can read in this article.
Source: /users/413
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