Cabbage is a great doctor and beautician
Using fresh cabbage and its juice becomes less risk of cancer, especially cancer of the rectum. Indoles, a substance contained in the cabbage juice - can help lower the levels of the hormone estrogen. It was he who in the human body is formed in compounds that may cause breast cancer. Eating cabbage and cabbage juice, you lower the likelihood of cancer of the breast.
The presence in cabbage of a huge amount of flavonoids, fiber and vitamin C to help strengthen blood vessels, removing cholesterol from the body, it also prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Cabbage will help with obesity, diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, diabetes.
Everyone knows about the ability of cabbage to quench the pain and exert anti-inflammatory effect. You can simply apply raw cabbage leaves to the wound, ulcer, abscess, and mastitis with — mammaries. If you have several weeks to wrap the joints in rheumatism, gout or arthritis, it helps to quench the pain.
Cabbage is used not only in medical but also for cosmetic purposes, as it is quite useful for skin and hair. It can clean, whiten, refresh and nourish the skin, make it velvety and soft. It is used as a mask for all skin types.
Broccoli also is an indispensable source of health.
Source: /users/559

The presence in cabbage of a huge amount of flavonoids, fiber and vitamin C to help strengthen blood vessels, removing cholesterol from the body, it also prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Cabbage will help with obesity, diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, diabetes.

Everyone knows about the ability of cabbage to quench the pain and exert anti-inflammatory effect. You can simply apply raw cabbage leaves to the wound, ulcer, abscess, and mastitis with — mammaries. If you have several weeks to wrap the joints in rheumatism, gout or arthritis, it helps to quench the pain.

Cabbage is used not only in medical but also for cosmetic purposes, as it is quite useful for skin and hair. It can clean, whiten, refresh and nourish the skin, make it velvety and soft. It is used as a mask for all skin types.
Broccoli also is an indispensable source of health.
Source: /users/559
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