Milk tea is effective against cancer
Scientists have repeatedly said about the effectiveness of green tea in the prevention of cancer diseases. This can be explained by the contained polyphenols. In fact, it goes on the epigallocatechin gallate. The experts wanted to find out for sure what conditions are needed to maximize the action of this substance on the body. Turns out it's milk.
As stated by scientists from Golfscope University (Ontario, Canada), when dissolved in milk, this element is not simply retains its biological quality, but enhanced its anti-cancer effect. Combined with milk the connection greatly reduces the proliferation rate of cancer cells in the colon. Experts has achieved good results during the experiments.
They concluded epigallocatechin gallate in the milk protein casein. And in a day the speed of division of cancer cells dropped significantly. In connection with this discovery, maybe in the future there will be a special enriched in epigallocatechin gallate, the milk, which will help people to protect themselves from possible cancer.
Source: /users/413

As stated by scientists from Golfscope University (Ontario, Canada), when dissolved in milk, this element is not simply retains its biological quality, but enhanced its anti-cancer effect. Combined with milk the connection greatly reduces the proliferation rate of cancer cells in the colon. Experts has achieved good results during the experiments.

They concluded epigallocatechin gallate in the milk protein casein. And in a day the speed of division of cancer cells dropped significantly. In connection with this discovery, maybe in the future there will be a special enriched in epigallocatechin gallate, the milk, which will help people to protect themselves from possible cancer.
Source: /users/413