How many years you must work to become a genius?
In Malcolm Gladwell's book "Geniuses and outsiders" had an unusual analysis of the success stories of the most rich, famous, famous people who have achieved outstanding results in life. Among other things, the author has shared with us an interesting observation was that for every genius on the path to recognition has spent close to 10,000 hours on mastering their work.
The author stated that almost every person who invested 10,000 hours in developing and honing their skills, can become an outstanding expert in his field. But if we add to this the innate ability, even genius. Once again I remind you that rule our new infographic.
See also: As of cork to make a smart lamp
Source: /users/1005
The author stated that almost every person who invested 10,000 hours in developing and honing their skills, can become an outstanding expert in his field. But if we add to this the innate ability, even genius. Once again I remind you that rule our new infographic.
See also: As of cork to make a smart lamp

Source: /users/1005
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