Do not be deceived: not every child is a genius!
If in 3 years you draw Kuindzhi — at 23, you're going to draw heroin glitches, a 33 — pictures on reception at the psychotherapist.
— I've been looking for a good teacher of drawing. On Yuzhnobutovskaya amazing teacher, but she takes 15 thousand a month! Of course, I have no money would not be sorry, but for us, it is expensive. Praise the circle in "Lear," and we are going there today applied — says a friend.
Her daughter Masha, 3 years.
— And she already knows how to draw?
— She recently learned to paint, without going over the lines!
Another friend's mom three-year-old gave him once in two circles: drawing and early reading and numeracy.
— Ales, you skimp! You promised that your Masha will walk with us! reminds mom of David.
I look at his Masanya, poking around in a puddle, and I think it would be great if this disorganized, unruly, bushy girl more than anything loves to pick your nose and still in the sandbox, drawing. Comes to me ideal, and I remember the popular slogans: "Every child is a genius!" "After three already too late!", "The main thing is to find a good teacher!". I charged lift their heads high and go home to nag her husband on the subject of mug.
Husband skeptical looks at Mary and utters:
Are you sure that it will be able to sit on the chair at least ten minutes?
— Yes! She actually loves to draw. Probably.
— Oh! — retorted the husband. — When I took her to the "Children's room" in the club "Zebra", all the kids I went to draw with the teacher, and she stayed in the pool with balls. It was called-called — useless. Her early! You just disgust her cause.
— But Sasha, and suddenly we miss?
Four thousand rubles a month, ' said the husband, and plunged into the computer.
— Mom! I want David! In the circle! — Mary whines. And I still took her for a trial lesson.
Around our house three developmental center. All are actively campaigning to come to them, handing out free balls, invited animators. Clubs are on the first floors of the houses. Their lobbies are so small that there does not fit a stroller and nowhere to hang a jacket, if not gone previous group. But the walls are covered with children's crafts. On the wall nearest educational club photos have just risen to his feet kids, and bears the caption: "in this age is the time to teach letters and numbers".
— I thought that at this time you need to learn to wear pants — I said, giving the receptionist 300 rubles for a trial lesson.
— Not a hindrance! with a smile she said.
Masha and two more kids away at the door.
From behind the door I hear the merry music and the commands of the teacher. They seem to sing the syllables (more precisely, the teacher sings and the children do not have time). Voice breaking, constantly calling the name of him whose fleeting attention again to catch.
Meanwhile, next door older group tetradochkoy and portfolios. They are not yet students, but they look like already in the first class and learn for real. So real that something was missing in them, this baby craziness, which run out from behind doors with a clear and firm intention to break up.
The administrator says in a whisper, what do they do successes and in any of the prestigious schools will do.
— The school should be able to read and write. she said firmly, hinting that that they will be engaged with my Mary, and this is our only chance.
— How? Is writing in schools is no longer taught? — I was surprised.
— In a normal teaching. Well, you know, we have children whose parents want to send them to prestigious schools. In normal you-know-what contingent...
At this time grandma and dad was thrusting supple tired hands of their children in the sleeves of jackets and legs in the shoes. I shuddered. Servants of geniuses. I think I was at the factory for the production of narcissism.
— You know this one dad says to me: "I understand why I pay money when my child is at lunch said "I like orange juice!". Imagine that your daughter will amaze grandmothers and three years to speak English! shone administrator.
But she can speak English well in seven years. And in two months you learn that the children you teach.
— Seven already late, my child! — clasped her hands administrator.
But what a terrific marketing tool to convince parents that after three years it is too late to start to study English, dancing, swimming and violin.Nothing like? "Hurry up!". As much as we sell platinum knives and Kirby vacuum cleaners discount only today — sell "the future" of our children, assuring them that we miss it.
After 40 minutes due to a door left Mary. Excited and exhausted at the same time. Handed me some printed paper with pictures.
Is homework! — said the teacher. — She needs to call words that have the letter "a". We need to develop her phonemic hearing!
Of course, no phonemic hearing, Masha was not in sight, she knew the letter but could not yet understand that the machine pictured, is the word, not the machine, and that in this word we have to hear individual letters — because she felt on hearing whole!
I asked Mary what was she doing there — she did not understand and could not tell. But jumped, as usual, and demanded: "More! Again!". If it were turned on and forgot to turn off. It was like an ecstatic session in any sect.
But I decided to "put the squeeze" and sent her on the second trial lesson — drawing.
And the administrator at this time "to defraud" me.
— Do you want your child to be a gray person? Or some... a housewife?
Then I lowered her eyes, because she is "some kind of housewife." Not from despair, I chose this path. On the contrary, the excess, apparently, talent. And somehow to me the abundance of my "talents" is a serious obstacle to be this housewife. Me too, tried to make a genius. Success partially achieved: I have increased the pride of genius, with him, I found problems with communication and the decision of routine tasks ("my flight").
And here I wanted to say: Yes! Yes, I want my child to be a gray person!
To be honest, I'm tired of the generation of "geniuses". I look at my former classmates and see how "talented girl" I was "talented boys", but no one can get along. As these talented girls postpone having children, not to destroy your talent. And then this talent prevents them to accept the child such what he is — normal, not a genius. Like they always compare it with themselves and in horror notice that reads it three years. How to make the life of their children in endless competition that was better than themselves in childhood or the neighborhood. And they grow a little gray and exhausted the power of a talented mommy. But if their children choose a different path? If you want to be... a housewife? The ice-cream man? A technologist? A Baker? A gardener?
I'm watching gray figures, and for some reason I like them more and more. Not having big egos, they often achieve a lot.
And then, someone has to serve all these geniuses. Bake them bread to heal them, to raise their children. Just be a good, respected professional who knows his business.
Masha comes out of another door and hands me the application. Three properly glued birch trunk and the clay leaves.
Is "birch grove" Kuindzhi, — explained the teacher.
Mary glowed. I was complimenting the picture.
A husband is not appreciated.
What was done here Masha?
— Uh, I don't know. I was not allowed.
— Take glue, scissors and teach her how to do it myself.
I pouted. He regrets the money for the baby! You'd think I have plenty of time to do with her application to draw when second little!
And last night I remembered myself. As praised my singing teachers. I was the lead in the school musical. I played the piano as the room applauded us. How multiplied diplomas on the wall. And then, in twenty years it turned out that the work I do not know.
And I realized that if in 3 years you draw Kuindzhi — there is a risk that in 23 years you'll love it, heroin glitches, a 33 — pictures on reception at the psychotherapist.
Because in 3 years you have to learn how to wear pants is, and not to draw. And what happens? You will dress, feed, take to the teacher, draw you a picture, sing a song with you at the competition will be cheering you will exhibit your work at trade shows.
God, if it were possible to ban these exhibitions and the applause! Because you grow up with the feeling that you will always have the handle a good teacher and you always will be cheered loudly, and you will always have to multiply these letters on the wall, by themselves, almost effortlessly, for the money of the parents.
Not only will this more. At uni you're going to fool around because "let go" because no one else is forcing and does not handle. Somehow he's done. Because learning by yourself you just have not learned! (Thank God that my life was bad teacher and it was more than good! I finally learned to study itself!).
And then fall into the trap of the crisis 25-year-old. Because instead of a good teacher you will have a bad boss, instead of applause — caustic gossip of colleagues. And most importantly, it appears that all of the progress you have shown in childhood, characterized not by you, but your a good teacher. He was professional, not you. You are a zero. Well, at least, unity. And now we have to live with the scratch. Those skills that our ancestors, with zeal, received at 10-14 years, we get 30.
...In a circle waving at us to give yet not steels. After six months of phonemic hearing appeared Masha itself — it began to call for lunch words to list what they have letters. Then he began to read the words on the packaging of juice, sour cream and cheese. But somehow, when I cooked the soup, she took a sheet of paper and wrote legibly and in the right direction, "Mary". And then — "Mama", "Papa" and "Baba". I did not teach, in kindergarten she doesn't go. She's just flipping through the book, where these words are written in big letters. And then began to repeat the letters on the paper.
It just worked. As a gray personality. And I don't care what she did it early. Would do a year later — so be it. Most importantly, she did it herself, without cramming. Birch while not draws. Don't know if it will become as Kuindzhi — that's her business. At least, she has to learn herself to put on shoes and a jacket. The rest I don't have to.
And please change the slogan. Not every child is a genius. Every child is a potential Pro. But it doesn't sound. Unpopular. We used to surpass plans and five-year plan in four years. But remember, what has become mastered then lands. Where are they now? Whether they are necessary and whether were those jerks, and those efforts? But there is a new field untilled, a new sense of life — Children. To master this field please!
No, I'm not against clubs. Very even, but later when the child himself will choose and will be able to work, to really work on her talent and not just be led.
But I want to support those who have no money or ability to give the children mugs. It seems to me that we do not lose anything. Maybe purchased.published
Author: Alesya Lonskaya
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.matrony.ru/ne-obmanyivaytes-ne-kazhdyiy-rebenok-geniy/
— I've been looking for a good teacher of drawing. On Yuzhnobutovskaya amazing teacher, but she takes 15 thousand a month! Of course, I have no money would not be sorry, but for us, it is expensive. Praise the circle in "Lear," and we are going there today applied — says a friend.
Her daughter Masha, 3 years.
— And she already knows how to draw?
— She recently learned to paint, without going over the lines!

Another friend's mom three-year-old gave him once in two circles: drawing and early reading and numeracy.
— Ales, you skimp! You promised that your Masha will walk with us! reminds mom of David.
I look at his Masanya, poking around in a puddle, and I think it would be great if this disorganized, unruly, bushy girl more than anything loves to pick your nose and still in the sandbox, drawing. Comes to me ideal, and I remember the popular slogans: "Every child is a genius!" "After three already too late!", "The main thing is to find a good teacher!". I charged lift their heads high and go home to nag her husband on the subject of mug.
Husband skeptical looks at Mary and utters:
Are you sure that it will be able to sit on the chair at least ten minutes?
— Yes! She actually loves to draw. Probably.
— Oh! — retorted the husband. — When I took her to the "Children's room" in the club "Zebra", all the kids I went to draw with the teacher, and she stayed in the pool with balls. It was called-called — useless. Her early! You just disgust her cause.
— But Sasha, and suddenly we miss?
Four thousand rubles a month, ' said the husband, and plunged into the computer.
— Mom! I want David! In the circle! — Mary whines. And I still took her for a trial lesson.
Around our house three developmental center. All are actively campaigning to come to them, handing out free balls, invited animators. Clubs are on the first floors of the houses. Their lobbies are so small that there does not fit a stroller and nowhere to hang a jacket, if not gone previous group. But the walls are covered with children's crafts. On the wall nearest educational club photos have just risen to his feet kids, and bears the caption: "in this age is the time to teach letters and numbers".
— I thought that at this time you need to learn to wear pants — I said, giving the receptionist 300 rubles for a trial lesson.
— Not a hindrance! with a smile she said.
Masha and two more kids away at the door.
From behind the door I hear the merry music and the commands of the teacher. They seem to sing the syllables (more precisely, the teacher sings and the children do not have time). Voice breaking, constantly calling the name of him whose fleeting attention again to catch.
Meanwhile, next door older group tetradochkoy and portfolios. They are not yet students, but they look like already in the first class and learn for real. So real that something was missing in them, this baby craziness, which run out from behind doors with a clear and firm intention to break up.
The administrator says in a whisper, what do they do successes and in any of the prestigious schools will do.
— The school should be able to read and write. she said firmly, hinting that that they will be engaged with my Mary, and this is our only chance.
— How? Is writing in schools is no longer taught? — I was surprised.
— In a normal teaching. Well, you know, we have children whose parents want to send them to prestigious schools. In normal you-know-what contingent...
At this time grandma and dad was thrusting supple tired hands of their children in the sleeves of jackets and legs in the shoes. I shuddered. Servants of geniuses. I think I was at the factory for the production of narcissism.
— You know this one dad says to me: "I understand why I pay money when my child is at lunch said "I like orange juice!". Imagine that your daughter will amaze grandmothers and three years to speak English! shone administrator.
But she can speak English well in seven years. And in two months you learn that the children you teach.
— Seven already late, my child! — clasped her hands administrator.
But what a terrific marketing tool to convince parents that after three years it is too late to start to study English, dancing, swimming and violin.Nothing like? "Hurry up!". As much as we sell platinum knives and Kirby vacuum cleaners discount only today — sell "the future" of our children, assuring them that we miss it.

After 40 minutes due to a door left Mary. Excited and exhausted at the same time. Handed me some printed paper with pictures.
Is homework! — said the teacher. — She needs to call words that have the letter "a". We need to develop her phonemic hearing!
Of course, no phonemic hearing, Masha was not in sight, she knew the letter but could not yet understand that the machine pictured, is the word, not the machine, and that in this word we have to hear individual letters — because she felt on hearing whole!
I asked Mary what was she doing there — she did not understand and could not tell. But jumped, as usual, and demanded: "More! Again!". If it were turned on and forgot to turn off. It was like an ecstatic session in any sect.
But I decided to "put the squeeze" and sent her on the second trial lesson — drawing.
And the administrator at this time "to defraud" me.
— Do you want your child to be a gray person? Or some... a housewife?
Then I lowered her eyes, because she is "some kind of housewife." Not from despair, I chose this path. On the contrary, the excess, apparently, talent. And somehow to me the abundance of my "talents" is a serious obstacle to be this housewife. Me too, tried to make a genius. Success partially achieved: I have increased the pride of genius, with him, I found problems with communication and the decision of routine tasks ("my flight").
And here I wanted to say: Yes! Yes, I want my child to be a gray person!
To be honest, I'm tired of the generation of "geniuses". I look at my former classmates and see how "talented girl" I was "talented boys", but no one can get along. As these talented girls postpone having children, not to destroy your talent. And then this talent prevents them to accept the child such what he is — normal, not a genius. Like they always compare it with themselves and in horror notice that reads it three years. How to make the life of their children in endless competition that was better than themselves in childhood or the neighborhood. And they grow a little gray and exhausted the power of a talented mommy. But if their children choose a different path? If you want to be... a housewife? The ice-cream man? A technologist? A Baker? A gardener?
I'm watching gray figures, and for some reason I like them more and more. Not having big egos, they often achieve a lot.
- They have more selection box from them does not require heights.
- They have the right to be wrong right to be not perfect, the right to be mediocre.
- They are often happily married, don't compete with her husband and children for the best piece and the soft blanket.
- Not take time off from ordinary labor.
And then, someone has to serve all these geniuses. Bake them bread to heal them, to raise their children. Just be a good, respected professional who knows his business.
Masha comes out of another door and hands me the application. Three properly glued birch trunk and the clay leaves.
Is "birch grove" Kuindzhi, — explained the teacher.
Mary glowed. I was complimenting the picture.
A husband is not appreciated.
What was done here Masha?
— Uh, I don't know. I was not allowed.
— Take glue, scissors and teach her how to do it myself.
I pouted. He regrets the money for the baby! You'd think I have plenty of time to do with her application to draw when second little!
And last night I remembered myself. As praised my singing teachers. I was the lead in the school musical. I played the piano as the room applauded us. How multiplied diplomas on the wall. And then, in twenty years it turned out that the work I do not know.
And I realized that if in 3 years you draw Kuindzhi — there is a risk that in 23 years you'll love it, heroin glitches, a 33 — pictures on reception at the psychotherapist.
Because in 3 years you have to learn how to wear pants is, and not to draw. And what happens? You will dress, feed, take to the teacher, draw you a picture, sing a song with you at the competition will be cheering you will exhibit your work at trade shows.
God, if it were possible to ban these exhibitions and the applause! Because you grow up with the feeling that you will always have the handle a good teacher and you always will be cheered loudly, and you will always have to multiply these letters on the wall, by themselves, almost effortlessly, for the money of the parents.
Not only will this more. At uni you're going to fool around because "let go" because no one else is forcing and does not handle. Somehow he's done. Because learning by yourself you just have not learned! (Thank God that my life was bad teacher and it was more than good! I finally learned to study itself!).
And then fall into the trap of the crisis 25-year-old. Because instead of a good teacher you will have a bad boss, instead of applause — caustic gossip of colleagues. And most importantly, it appears that all of the progress you have shown in childhood, characterized not by you, but your a good teacher. He was professional, not you. You are a zero. Well, at least, unity. And now we have to live with the scratch. Those skills that our ancestors, with zeal, received at 10-14 years, we get 30.
...In a circle waving at us to give yet not steels. After six months of phonemic hearing appeared Masha itself — it began to call for lunch words to list what they have letters. Then he began to read the words on the packaging of juice, sour cream and cheese. But somehow, when I cooked the soup, she took a sheet of paper and wrote legibly and in the right direction, "Mary". And then — "Mama", "Papa" and "Baba". I did not teach, in kindergarten she doesn't go. She's just flipping through the book, where these words are written in big letters. And then began to repeat the letters on the paper.
It just worked. As a gray personality. And I don't care what she did it early. Would do a year later — so be it. Most importantly, she did it herself, without cramming. Birch while not draws. Don't know if it will become as Kuindzhi — that's her business. At least, she has to learn herself to put on shoes and a jacket. The rest I don't have to.
And please change the slogan. Not every child is a genius. Every child is a potential Pro. But it doesn't sound. Unpopular. We used to surpass plans and five-year plan in four years. But remember, what has become mastered then lands. Where are they now? Whether they are necessary and whether were those jerks, and those efforts? But there is a new field untilled, a new sense of life — Children. To master this field please!
No, I'm not against clubs. Very even, but later when the child himself will choose and will be able to work, to really work on her talent and not just be led.
But I want to support those who have no money or ability to give the children mugs. It seems to me that we do not lose anything. Maybe purchased.published
Author: Alesya Lonskaya
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.matrony.ru/ne-obmanyivaytes-ne-kazhdyiy-rebenok-geniy/
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