Vibration will accelerate the healing of wounds
This is the conclusion reached by researchers of the University of Illinois. According to their findings, wounds heal faster if they are exposed to low-intensity vibration.

The researchers conducted experiments on mice to determine how the vibration of low intensity may accelerate tissue regeneration in diabetes. Small-amplitude vibrations are barely perceptible, but the researchers noticed that wounds who undergo this procedure heal much faster. The process consists of five treatments of 30 minutes each. As explained by Professor Timothy Koh, who participated in the research, the technique is undergoing clinical trials to determine how vibration improves bone health and helps prevent osteoporosis.

Wounds exposed to vibrating forces is formed more granulation tissue, important in the initial phase of healing. Vibration helps to form new blood vessels, which leads to enhanced expression of therapeutic factors. As assured Koch, the most fascinating is the possibility of such an impact on people.
Source: nauka24news.ru/