Unconventional method of treatment of urinary stone disease-a decoction of parsley

Parsley, its useful properties and applications. Mostly a decoction of parsley is recommended in menstrual irregularities or during postpartum recovery, but the researchers decided to identify all the beneficial properties of plants. Parsley is used in treatment of many problems related to the kidneys. Parsley broth should be drunk in the case of bladder infections and the occurrence of kidney stones. In addition, a decoction of parsley is also used in the prevention and treatment of colon cancer and cervical cancer. Parsley is rich in folic acid, which is necessary for the health of the cardiovascular system. It also contains vitamins A, C, E and minerals and its regular intake helps to lower bad cholesterol. If you suffer from high blood pressure, you can use a decoction of parsley for its normalization.Parsley calms the intestines, improves digestion and reduces flatulence. This plant is rich in iron, so its use is recommended for anemia. One of the many useful properties of green plants is the removal of unpleasant mouth odor. Especially effective is parsley helps neutralize odor after eating onions or garlic.
A decoction of the roots of parsley. The recipe for the broth of parsley is very simple. Take 2 tablespoons of chopped horses of this magical plant and boil them for minutes in 200 ml kipyatkov. Then the broth insist half an hour. Make a decoction of the roots of parsley can be three times a day before meal. Dosage is 1-2 tablespoons.
Application. A decoction of the roots of parsley stimulates the immune system. It is administered during malaria, and anemia. Men treated with the help of the prostatitis. A decoction of parsley is able to help in disorders of the intestines and excessive flatulence.
Source: viveris.ru