Mixborders a bed of vegetables

Currently, vegetable or flower garden mixborders is one of the most popular variants of flower registration. Especially common on large houses, along the tracks. When it was created on a plot of limited area, you should consider the height of the plants, which should be proportionate. Usually in mixborders used plants in height from 30 to 80 or more inches, depending on its size. The basis of mixborders, as a rule, are perennial herbaceous plants. They are supplemented by annuals and biennials, often stunted trees or shrubs and, most importantly for us, this ensemble is easy to write various vegetable crops, medicinal herbs, edible wild plants (e.g., cabbage, onions, kozloborodnika porality, beta vulgaris dining room and beets chard, physalis, lettuce, chili peppers, asparagus officinalis, the common tomato, Jerusalem artichoke, Helianthus annuus (varieties), horseradish, pigweed capitate, peony, elecampane, narrow-leaved chamaenerion, chicory salad stock-rose pink, nutsedge is edible leucanthemum vulgare, and many others).The number of used plant species can reach up to 20-25 or more, and 1-2 of culture can be leading, and the rest play a subordinate role. It is important to choose plants with similar environmental requirements. If you are in this season decided to make a vegetable flower garden, don't forget to first compile the pattern at all.
Source: www.7dach.ru