Homemade hydroelectric, hand made

Due to the constant rise in price of hydrocarbon fuels, the experts pay more and more attention to the benefits of the use of electricity produced from more economical way. One of the most economical and environmentally friendly ways of generating electricity is a hydroelectric power plant for the home, the cost of which are reduced to the basic building and equipment maintenance. But not every area has natural potential for the construction of such facilities, which require strong water flow and strong gradient created by the dam, in this case, the aid energy drinks come in mini-hydro plants.
The principle of operation of mini hydro power the Principle of this equipment is quite simple, which adds to it reliability. A stream of water falling on the turbine blades rotates the hydraulic drive, coupled to an electric generator, which provides electricity under the control of the controlling system.
Modern mini hydroelectric power station is equipped with a control system, giving the possibility to work in automatic mode with instant switching to manual control in case of an emergency. A multilevel security system allows you to avoid equipment overloads under changing external conditions. The design of the stations allows to minimize construction work during the installation of the necessary equipment.
Variety of mini hydroelectric Mini hydroelectric power plant is the equipment with capacity of from 1 to 3000 kW, which includes a water intake device (turbine) generating unit and control system equipment.
Depending on the water resources of mini-hydro plants are divided into several categories:
- run-of-river stations, using the energy of small rivers existing reservoirs. Used mainly on flat terrain;
- fixed station that uses the energy of fast flow during operation mountain rivers;
- stations using the extremes of water flow in industrial plants;
- mobile stations using the flow-reinforced sleeves.
- when a large pressure of water flow more than 60 m is used Francis and Pelton turbines;
- with an average flow of 25 — 60 m well proven turbines are adjustable-blade and radial-axial design;
- for low-pressure flows is advantageous to use Kaplan and propeller design, placed in a concrete chamber.
Features connection of mini hydro power a Device this equipment allows you to connect the station directly to the electricity grid, in this case, a synchronous generator. To create a local network using asynchronous unit, which is equipped with ballast unit load required to dissipate excess power in order to avoid failure of the systems supplying electricity and sudden changes basic network settings.
The advantages and disadvantages of mini-hydro plants the advantages of these systems include:
- environmental safety equipment and no need for flooding of large areas;
- the low cost of electricity produced, which is much cheaper produced at thermal power plants;
- the simplicity and reliability of the equipment and possibility of its operation in an Autonomous mode;
- inexhaustibility used natural resource
- power outages in certain regions with the equipment failure, the use case of mini hydro power as a local source. It kompensiruet availability of the emergency source of power supply connected automatically;
- weak production and repair base of this industry of energy supply in our country.
Source: greenvolt.ru/
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