DnieproGES War with the Dnieper (22 pics + text)
DnieproGES, DniproHES - fifth, the oldest, the stage of the cascade hydropower stations on the Dnieper River. The power plant is located in the city of Zaporozhye.
& Quot; ... Dnepr 100 kilometer stretch from Dnepropetrovsk to Zaporozhye crosses the rocky ridge. Over the centuries, the great river rushing here between sheer cliffs, forming a terrible Dnieper rapids, and only in the 20th century, people have managed to conquer the river. In the years 1927-1932 over the island Khortytsya dam was built DnieproGES - the first hydroelectric power plant in the country of such magnitude. Dnieper rapids, over the centuries delivshie Dnieper into two unconnected parts disappeared forever.
Before the river was flowing here between steep banks, therefore, despite the fact that after the construction of the dam water level rose by 39 meters, the spill has occurred. But the latent power of the river, when the ship comes to the top DnieproGES felt: depth here sometimes reach 50 meters ... & quot ;.
HPP construction began in 1927, the first unit was launched in 1932 and in 1939 was reached design capacity of 560 MW. At that time it was the largest hydroelectric power plant of the USSR.
During the Great Patriotic War Dniproges dam was destroyed, and the machine room equipment destroyed.
& Quot; ... In August, 1941. German troops occupied the right bank of the Dnieper and the island Khortytsya, eager to Zaporozhye, which at that time was the evacuation of factories. To prevent the enemy in the city, the Soviet command decided on August 18 to blow up the roadway near the right bank of the dam and a bridge across the New Dnieper. A huge wave carried the German crossing. Unfortunately, in the flooded area of the island Khortitsa was a significant number of Soviet soldiers, who did not cross over to the left bank, they were also demolished water .... & quot ;.
In preparation for the retreat from Zaporozhye, the Germans had mined the dam and hydroelectric power station. Due to the scouts, headed by Nikolai Kuruzovym, mutilated dam was rescued, but hydroelectric power plant, dam and roadway avankamerny bridge had been blown up December 29, 1943. Restoration of the Dnieper started with gasket between bulls hanging bridges destroyed.
During the 1944-1945 years was the bridge over the gateway. In the summer of 1945. in its pre-war form was restored avankamerny bridge. Already on March 3, 1947. hydroelectric power gave the first industrial current. June 26, 1950. was put into operation last unit revived the Dnieper.
2. The old car powerhouse.
3. Dam.
In the late 1960s on the agenda was the issue of increasing power DniproHES, bandwidth and its gateway roadway dam. The reconstruction of the Dnieper, which ran from 1969 to 1980. During the reconstruction of the left bank was built a computer room, which found 8 units with a capacity of 103, 5 th. KW each, single chamber gateway capable of passing vessels of "river-sea". Was restored and expanded roadway dam, which tied with the left bank trestle bridge, and with the right bank - avankamerny new bridge.
4. The new powerhouse.
5. Chambers old three-chamber lock. After the construction of the second stage in Dniproges new camera gateway (shaft type), they were withdrawn from work. Currently tested and reconstruction may soon adopt them again ekspuatatsii. With the fall of the number of freight along the Dnieper had better pass judgment here than in the new chamber.
General view of the dam, computer rooms and gateways.
6. Locking. We set off from the marina Zaporozhye and go up to locking.
7. Left takes the approach channel to the old gateways, our way is a bend to the right, a new camera.
8. roads and waterworks control room. Before the court overcame a 39-meter level difference in the neighboring three-chambered gateway, but during the reconstruction waterworks in the 80s was arranged second line of mono-mining gateway.
16. Tower of the old gateway.
& Quot; ... Dnepr 100 kilometer stretch from Dnepropetrovsk to Zaporozhye crosses the rocky ridge. Over the centuries, the great river rushing here between sheer cliffs, forming a terrible Dnieper rapids, and only in the 20th century, people have managed to conquer the river. In the years 1927-1932 over the island Khortytsya dam was built DnieproGES - the first hydroelectric power plant in the country of such magnitude. Dnieper rapids, over the centuries delivshie Dnieper into two unconnected parts disappeared forever.

Before the river was flowing here between steep banks, therefore, despite the fact that after the construction of the dam water level rose by 39 meters, the spill has occurred. But the latent power of the river, when the ship comes to the top DnieproGES felt: depth here sometimes reach 50 meters ... & quot ;.
HPP construction began in 1927, the first unit was launched in 1932 and in 1939 was reached design capacity of 560 MW. At that time it was the largest hydroelectric power plant of the USSR.

During the Great Patriotic War Dniproges dam was destroyed, and the machine room equipment destroyed.

& Quot; ... In August, 1941. German troops occupied the right bank of the Dnieper and the island Khortytsya, eager to Zaporozhye, which at that time was the evacuation of factories. To prevent the enemy in the city, the Soviet command decided on August 18 to blow up the roadway near the right bank of the dam and a bridge across the New Dnieper. A huge wave carried the German crossing. Unfortunately, in the flooded area of the island Khortitsa was a significant number of Soviet soldiers, who did not cross over to the left bank, they were also demolished water .... & quot ;.

In preparation for the retreat from Zaporozhye, the Germans had mined the dam and hydroelectric power station. Due to the scouts, headed by Nikolai Kuruzovym, mutilated dam was rescued, but hydroelectric power plant, dam and roadway avankamerny bridge had been blown up December 29, 1943. Restoration of the Dnieper started with gasket between bulls hanging bridges destroyed.
During the 1944-1945 years was the bridge over the gateway. In the summer of 1945. in its pre-war form was restored avankamerny bridge. Already on March 3, 1947. hydroelectric power gave the first industrial current. June 26, 1950. was put into operation last unit revived the Dnieper.
2. The old car powerhouse.

3. Dam.

In the late 1960s on the agenda was the issue of increasing power DniproHES, bandwidth and its gateway roadway dam. The reconstruction of the Dnieper, which ran from 1969 to 1980. During the reconstruction of the left bank was built a computer room, which found 8 units with a capacity of 103, 5 th. KW each, single chamber gateway capable of passing vessels of "river-sea". Was restored and expanded roadway dam, which tied with the left bank trestle bridge, and with the right bank - avankamerny new bridge.
4. The new powerhouse.

5. Chambers old three-chamber lock. After the construction of the second stage in Dniproges new camera gateway (shaft type), they were withdrawn from work. Currently tested and reconstruction may soon adopt them again ekspuatatsii. With the fall of the number of freight along the Dnieper had better pass judgment here than in the new chamber.

General view of the dam, computer rooms and gateways.

6. Locking. We set off from the marina Zaporozhye and go up to locking.

7. Left takes the approach channel to the old gateways, our way is a bend to the right, a new camera.

8. roads and waterworks control room. Before the court overcame a 39-meter level difference in the neighboring three-chambered gateway, but during the reconstruction waterworks in the 80s was arranged second line of mono-mining gateway.

16. Tower of the old gateway.
