DniproHES or Dnieper - a large hydroelectric power station on the south of Ukraine. It is located in the city of Zaporozhye, and is the oldest among the cascade of power plants on the Dnieper River. The history of its building is very interesting and it involves a lot of myths and legends.
It is alleged, for example, that the first draft of the Dnieper, prepared by engineer Henry Graftio in 1905 was on the table of the Emperor Nicholas II, but the king has underestimated the prospects for hydropower. It would seem that so special? That's why he and the king to impede scientific progress.
What is that, here in 1913, the bishop Samara and Stavropol Simeon reported Count Orlov-Davydov, "On your hereditary ancestral domains schemers Samara Technical Society together with the apostate Krzhizhanovsky design engineer building a dam and a large power station. Spread the word mercy of their arrival to preserve the peace of God in the Zhiguli possessions and destroy the sedition in conception ».
Why does the bishop believed the construction of the dam Samara sedition? Because in this case it would be flooded by the church and the cemetery, that throughout the history of mankind was considered sacrilege. The king refused to build the Dnieper for the same reason, although the project engineer Henry Graftio involves the construction of three consecutive dams and the flooding of a relatively small area.
But there came other times - in 1920, the same Gleb Krzyzanowski, which Bishop Simeon called apostate, led the Commission to develop a state plan for the electrification of Russia (electrification). This plan is designed for 10 - 15 years, involved the construction of thirty district power plants with total capacity of 1, 75 million kw., Including ten hydroelectric power plants. As far as can be judged, the construction of such grandiose buildings as the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station, the plan did not provide. When the idea was born to build a dam height of 62 meters, which is required under the sink, not only the church and the cemetery, but even villages and fields?
Now the authors of panegyrics dedicated Dnieproges, choking with delight, telling that the question of the construction of the Dnieper was decided at a specially convened in the winter 1927 meeting of the Politburo of the CPSU (b). According to their stories, debated at this meeting about one thing - build Dneproges themselves or to attract foreign companies to this case.
The discussion lasted for several hours, until finally, not Stalin earnestly appealed to the builders: "What is your opinion, comrades?" After some reflection head of construction Shaturskaya Alexander Winter said: "We need to build on their own." Chief looked into the eyes of Winter and summed up the discussion: "Well, we will build themselves».
The legend, of course, beautiful, but it is not clear what for so long disputed. Maybe it was a contract with Turkish builders? Or the use of imported turbines and hiring consultants from abroad? But in the end we decided, therefore, to do their own? But why, then, the dam of the Dnieper were installed US turbines and chief consultant Dnieprostroi Colonel Hugh Cooper was even awarded the Order of the Red Banner?
And by the way, why reference is made to the opinion of the Winter, not having the slightest idea about the hydraulic characteristics of the Dnipro River, not the author of the project of Henry grafts? By the way, a great engineer Graftio is also known that it was he who developed the project of electrification of the railway Crimea.
Shipping along the Dnieper three dams would provide no worse than one. Apparently, the leader is not guided by economic considerations. Not if he wanted to build a symbol of power and inviolability of the Soviet Union? This assumption is supported by the fact that Stalin was very careful about how it will look outside Dneproges.
Now booklets on the history of the Dnieper, you can read about what this building is a remarkable architectural masterpiece and that its architect was the founder of the Soviet constructivism Victor Vesnin.
However, according to the criteria of artistic constructivism long symmetrical facade of the Dnieper, faced to the same rusticated stone, can not be considered a masterpiece. It is interesting that during the discussion of draft Hugh Cooper said that it is "better to lie down alive in the grave than see the station constructed by the project group Vesnina." It is possible that this statement prompted the competition commission, chaired by Abel Yenukidze draft pick Vesnina, which in the process, adjustments were made in the form of the same rusticated stone. This stone is known to be very favored Stalin, ordering oblitsevat them almost half of Moscow.
And here we must pay tribute to Alexander de Winter - the first thing he started domestic issues. On the right bank it was built a public dining room for eight thousand meals a day. Equipment purchased for dining in Germany. By 1928, five villages built for the builders on the right bank of the Dnieper River and one on the left. There were built 658 houses, dormitories and barracks, clinic, filtration and fire stations, winter and summer theaters, school, kindergarten and more.
At Winter was straightforward and edgy character. He wore high boots, looked everywhere, all fingered hands, and gave guidance on the smallest piece of cake. Scandals that have seen some kind of disgrace. He demanded from the local executive committee to ban the sale of vodka. When her riding in the surrounding villages, Winter sent a telegram to the Ukrainian government, "Please ban the sale of vodka in the entire area." He had no family, and on the Dnieper, he turned gray.
In the prospectus and be sure to mention that the construction of the Dnieper not involved inmates. In other words, any builder can, if desired, to resign and go home? There could not. In fact, the builders were in the situation of prisoners. True, at first they were at least tolerable living conditions. But if in November 1927 to work on the construction of 13 thousand people, in October 1931 for 43 thousand, and in 1932, 63 thousand builders. And this is without taking into account their family members. As a result, the living conditions of the workers Dnieprostroi become terrifying.
With regard to the working conditions of builders, then how they were heavy, even argue it is not necessary. Now inspection gallery - huge concrete tunnels in the belly of the Dnieper - every second seeps just a glass of water, indicating a very high quality concrete. Still he was not to be high, because the builders Dnieprostroi all year churned his legs. US advisers even bet - how long people survive such hard labor.
It is known that the construction of "Hoover Dam", which is widely used excavators and cement mixers, killing 96 workers. How many builders Dnieprostroi prematurely passed away, no one believed.
Construction Dneproges
In the history of the construction of the Dnieper and accidents. One of the largest occurred in the spring of 1928: the fence fell from metal dowels. There were rumors of sabotage. But it turned out that the accident caused the theft of fixing ropes. After 18 days dowels installed in place, and the building did not stop even for an hour. The turnover of the labor force also did not stop. During 1932, construction took 90 thousand. Man, and fired - 60 thousand.
Inauguration of the Dnieper was scheduled for October 1, 1932. We are awaiting the arrival of the head of state Joseph Stalin. However, it is advised to combine trigger object birthday chief of construction - 10 October. At the start of profit-Union Chairman of the Central Executive Committee Mikhail Kalinin, the People's Commissar of Industry Sergo Ordzhonikidze, the first secretary of the CC CP (b) Stanislav Kosior, French writer Henri Barbusse. From the memories of witnesses, "two days were banquets in restaurants on the right and the left bank. On the tables - a great selection of wines from the cellars of Massandra. Democracy was complete: next to the famed brigade commander sat an ordinary farmer, clinked glasses with Academician installer. The department's offices were tables with vodka, meat and bread. Someone might want to eat and drink, how much heart desires! "
Speaking of soup - for the purchase of turbines firm "Hughes Newport" went the money raised from sales abroad is not only art treasures of the Hermitage, but also grain, including seed. Consequently, soon after the construction of the Dnieper in Ukraine and the Volga famine broke out. Here is a price and a half years behind schedule and was built by the industrial giant that has become the hallmark of socialism. Incidentally, nowhere and never point a tremendous amount of the item - at current prices of about $ 200 billion. With that money while it was possible to build a hundred thermal power plants, each of which would be equal to the power Dnieproges.
Source: mgsupgs.livejournal.com

It is alleged, for example, that the first draft of the Dnieper, prepared by engineer Henry Graftio in 1905 was on the table of the Emperor Nicholas II, but the king has underestimated the prospects for hydropower. It would seem that so special? That's why he and the king to impede scientific progress.

What is that, here in 1913, the bishop Samara and Stavropol Simeon reported Count Orlov-Davydov, "On your hereditary ancestral domains schemers Samara Technical Society together with the apostate Krzhizhanovsky design engineer building a dam and a large power station. Spread the word mercy of their arrival to preserve the peace of God in the Zhiguli possessions and destroy the sedition in conception ».

Why does the bishop believed the construction of the dam Samara sedition? Because in this case it would be flooded by the church and the cemetery, that throughout the history of mankind was considered sacrilege. The king refused to build the Dnieper for the same reason, although the project engineer Henry Graftio involves the construction of three consecutive dams and the flooding of a relatively small area.

But there came other times - in 1920, the same Gleb Krzyzanowski, which Bishop Simeon called apostate, led the Commission to develop a state plan for the electrification of Russia (electrification). This plan is designed for 10 - 15 years, involved the construction of thirty district power plants with total capacity of 1, 75 million kw., Including ten hydroelectric power plants. As far as can be judged, the construction of such grandiose buildings as the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station, the plan did not provide. When the idea was born to build a dam height of 62 meters, which is required under the sink, not only the church and the cemetery, but even villages and fields?

Now the authors of panegyrics dedicated Dnieproges, choking with delight, telling that the question of the construction of the Dnieper was decided at a specially convened in the winter 1927 meeting of the Politburo of the CPSU (b). According to their stories, debated at this meeting about one thing - build Dneproges themselves or to attract foreign companies to this case.

The discussion lasted for several hours, until finally, not Stalin earnestly appealed to the builders: "What is your opinion, comrades?" After some reflection head of construction Shaturskaya Alexander Winter said: "We need to build on their own." Chief looked into the eyes of Winter and summed up the discussion: "Well, we will build themselves».

The legend, of course, beautiful, but it is not clear what for so long disputed. Maybe it was a contract with Turkish builders? Or the use of imported turbines and hiring consultants from abroad? But in the end we decided, therefore, to do their own? But why, then, the dam of the Dnieper were installed US turbines and chief consultant Dnieprostroi Colonel Hugh Cooper was even awarded the Order of the Red Banner?

And by the way, why reference is made to the opinion of the Winter, not having the slightest idea about the hydraulic characteristics of the Dnipro River, not the author of the project of Henry grafts? By the way, a great engineer Graftio is also known that it was he who developed the project of electrification of the railway Crimea.

Shipping along the Dnieper three dams would provide no worse than one. Apparently, the leader is not guided by economic considerations. Not if he wanted to build a symbol of power and inviolability of the Soviet Union? This assumption is supported by the fact that Stalin was very careful about how it will look outside Dneproges.

Now booklets on the history of the Dnieper, you can read about what this building is a remarkable architectural masterpiece and that its architect was the founder of the Soviet constructivism Victor Vesnin.

However, according to the criteria of artistic constructivism long symmetrical facade of the Dnieper, faced to the same rusticated stone, can not be considered a masterpiece. It is interesting that during the discussion of draft Hugh Cooper said that it is "better to lie down alive in the grave than see the station constructed by the project group Vesnina." It is possible that this statement prompted the competition commission, chaired by Abel Yenukidze draft pick Vesnina, which in the process, adjustments were made in the form of the same rusticated stone. This stone is known to be very favored Stalin, ordering oblitsevat them almost half of Moscow.

And here we must pay tribute to Alexander de Winter - the first thing he started domestic issues. On the right bank it was built a public dining room for eight thousand meals a day. Equipment purchased for dining in Germany. By 1928, five villages built for the builders on the right bank of the Dnieper River and one on the left. There were built 658 houses, dormitories and barracks, clinic, filtration and fire stations, winter and summer theaters, school, kindergarten and more.

At Winter was straightforward and edgy character. He wore high boots, looked everywhere, all fingered hands, and gave guidance on the smallest piece of cake. Scandals that have seen some kind of disgrace. He demanded from the local executive committee to ban the sale of vodka. When her riding in the surrounding villages, Winter sent a telegram to the Ukrainian government, "Please ban the sale of vodka in the entire area." He had no family, and on the Dnieper, he turned gray.

In the prospectus and be sure to mention that the construction of the Dnieper not involved inmates. In other words, any builder can, if desired, to resign and go home? There could not. In fact, the builders were in the situation of prisoners. True, at first they were at least tolerable living conditions. But if in November 1927 to work on the construction of 13 thousand people, in October 1931 for 43 thousand, and in 1932, 63 thousand builders. And this is without taking into account their family members. As a result, the living conditions of the workers Dnieprostroi become terrifying.

With regard to the working conditions of builders, then how they were heavy, even argue it is not necessary. Now inspection gallery - huge concrete tunnels in the belly of the Dnieper - every second seeps just a glass of water, indicating a very high quality concrete. Still he was not to be high, because the builders Dnieprostroi all year churned his legs. US advisers even bet - how long people survive such hard labor.

It is known that the construction of "Hoover Dam", which is widely used excavators and cement mixers, killing 96 workers. How many builders Dnieprostroi prematurely passed away, no one believed.

Construction Dneproges
In the history of the construction of the Dnieper and accidents. One of the largest occurred in the spring of 1928: the fence fell from metal dowels. There were rumors of sabotage. But it turned out that the accident caused the theft of fixing ropes. After 18 days dowels installed in place, and the building did not stop even for an hour. The turnover of the labor force also did not stop. During 1932, construction took 90 thousand. Man, and fired - 60 thousand.

Inauguration of the Dnieper was scheduled for October 1, 1932. We are awaiting the arrival of the head of state Joseph Stalin. However, it is advised to combine trigger object birthday chief of construction - 10 October. At the start of profit-Union Chairman of the Central Executive Committee Mikhail Kalinin, the People's Commissar of Industry Sergo Ordzhonikidze, the first secretary of the CC CP (b) Stanislav Kosior, French writer Henri Barbusse. From the memories of witnesses, "two days were banquets in restaurants on the right and the left bank. On the tables - a great selection of wines from the cellars of Massandra. Democracy was complete: next to the famed brigade commander sat an ordinary farmer, clinked glasses with Academician installer. The department's offices were tables with vodka, meat and bread. Someone might want to eat and drink, how much heart desires! "

Speaking of soup - for the purchase of turbines firm "Hughes Newport" went the money raised from sales abroad is not only art treasures of the Hermitage, but also grain, including seed. Consequently, soon after the construction of the Dnieper in Ukraine and the Volga famine broke out. Here is a price and a half years behind schedule and was built by the industrial giant that has become the hallmark of socialism. Incidentally, nowhere and never point a tremendous amount of the item - at current prices of about $ 200 billion. With that money while it was possible to build a hundred thermal power plants, each of which would be equal to the power Dnieproges.

Source: mgsupgs.livejournal.com