Three drugs simultaneously – a new development

Delivery of chemotherapy drugs in the form of nanoparticles helps to reduce side effects, with the delivery of drugs directly into the tumor. Shipping one drug already existed, but chemists at mit have proposed a new way of creating nanoparticles. This method allows you to deliver multiple drugs at the place of destination.
The author of the Jeremiah Johnson says: "We believe that this is the first example of nanoparticles that have a precise ratio of three drugs and can produce medicines in response to individual triggering mechanisms". Using a new approach, MIT scientists bind the molecules of medicine into separate units which are connected in the polymer chain. This keeps particles from destruction in the body.
New technology allows you to deliver more drugs and develop new treatment regimens. While avoiding the side effects common in conventional chemotherapy. Now Johnson and colleagues have begun testing on animals.
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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