Problems of formation of world Outlook of a teenager and solutions - scientists
Eleven million two hundred sixty seven thousand nine hundred sixty three
"... One of the problems which cannot be solved with precision missiles, the billions of teenagers, dropouts, nedorazvitia. Primitive peoples knew how to educate their boys and girls.
Simple culture entirely fit into one head, and each head was the necessary elements of ethics and religion, and not just technical information. Culture has been a spiritual and moral entity.
A natural example of this integrity remained his mother and father. Now they are bankrupt.
Teenager, mastered the computer, he considers himself much smarter grandfather, writing with a fountain pen.
The world has changed, every five years it's different, and everything old is discharged from the ship of modernity. Grow billions of people for whom the Shrine was opened to illiterate shepherds, not worth a penny. Hordes Smerdyakov, coming Huns, the cloud has accumulated over the world.
And they are in every day ready to follow bin Laden and Barkashov. Note Ikonnikova Huns have not read (if read — they Ikonnikov? They Prince Myshkin?). The fate of Another they will not take...
One of the scourges of our time — global vulgarity, spewing into the air. The illusion that globalism and vulgar — synonyms. And globalism is, therefore, arouses violent opposition. Not only ethnic. Not only religious...
One of the features of the great cultural worlds — the ability to the historical turn, the shift from outward expansion to inner growth, from zahvachennoi centrifugal process to contemplation of a spiritual center and repentance for departing from it....
The leaders will be countries that are better than others will be able to create a new lifestyle, to include a pause of contemplation in a series of cases to get rid of fever activities, from "fornication labour, which is in our blood" (Mandelstam). Pioneers can be both large and small countries, strong and weak. We don't know who will be ahead of the game. But to begin all should.
Decisive is not the economy, and education, starting with kindergarten. Children grasp the rudiments of the new faster adults. I remember the words of a girl of four years old: "Mom, don't say it loud, that wither trees"....
Since early childhood can raise the understanding of the joy of contemplation. And it will prepare people for the revaluation of values, to move from inertia unlimited expansion of man-made world to the civilization of contemplation, spiritual growth and balance with nature.
If we simply call on people to limit their needs, nothing will come of it, except for discord. Peter nods at Ivan, Europe to America, Asia to Europe. Turn can give only the opening values of contemplation, a pause of contemplation in cases in dialogues and discussions in the development of thought....
The school is unable to escape from today, can not prepare programmers, lawyers, managers. But today is fleeting, and the current carries him to death. The word "Kala" in Sanskrit — homonym: time and death. Culture, has not found support in the eternal, will fall under the pressure of change.
Schools can and should teach the pause of contemplation: through art, through literature. With time, using the TV, if it will turn to the greatest problem of the century...."
© Gregory Solomonovich Pomerantz (March 13, 1918, Vilnius, Lithuania — 16 February 2013, Moscow, Russia)
Source: /users/413
"... One of the problems which cannot be solved with precision missiles, the billions of teenagers, dropouts, nedorazvitia. Primitive peoples knew how to educate their boys and girls.
Simple culture entirely fit into one head, and each head was the necessary elements of ethics and religion, and not just technical information. Culture has been a spiritual and moral entity.
A natural example of this integrity remained his mother and father. Now they are bankrupt.
Teenager, mastered the computer, he considers himself much smarter grandfather, writing with a fountain pen.
The world has changed, every five years it's different, and everything old is discharged from the ship of modernity. Grow billions of people for whom the Shrine was opened to illiterate shepherds, not worth a penny. Hordes Smerdyakov, coming Huns, the cloud has accumulated over the world.
And they are in every day ready to follow bin Laden and Barkashov. Note Ikonnikova Huns have not read (if read — they Ikonnikov? They Prince Myshkin?). The fate of Another they will not take...
One of the scourges of our time — global vulgarity, spewing into the air. The illusion that globalism and vulgar — synonyms. And globalism is, therefore, arouses violent opposition. Not only ethnic. Not only religious...
One of the features of the great cultural worlds — the ability to the historical turn, the shift from outward expansion to inner growth, from zahvachennoi centrifugal process to contemplation of a spiritual center and repentance for departing from it....
The leaders will be countries that are better than others will be able to create a new lifestyle, to include a pause of contemplation in a series of cases to get rid of fever activities, from "fornication labour, which is in our blood" (Mandelstam). Pioneers can be both large and small countries, strong and weak. We don't know who will be ahead of the game. But to begin all should.
Decisive is not the economy, and education, starting with kindergarten. Children grasp the rudiments of the new faster adults. I remember the words of a girl of four years old: "Mom, don't say it loud, that wither trees"....
Since early childhood can raise the understanding of the joy of contemplation. And it will prepare people for the revaluation of values, to move from inertia unlimited expansion of man-made world to the civilization of contemplation, spiritual growth and balance with nature.
If we simply call on people to limit their needs, nothing will come of it, except for discord. Peter nods at Ivan, Europe to America, Asia to Europe. Turn can give only the opening values of contemplation, a pause of contemplation in cases in dialogues and discussions in the development of thought....
The school is unable to escape from today, can not prepare programmers, lawyers, managers. But today is fleeting, and the current carries him to death. The word "Kala" in Sanskrit — homonym: time and death. Culture, has not found support in the eternal, will fall under the pressure of change.
Schools can and should teach the pause of contemplation: through art, through literature. With time, using the TV, if it will turn to the greatest problem of the century...."
© Gregory Solomonovich Pomerantz (March 13, 1918, Vilnius, Lithuania — 16 February 2013, Moscow, Russia)

Source: /users/413