Discovered a protein that regulates the regeneration of the skin
A group of scientists at the University of Mannheim found the factor that protects the human skin from massive cell death. In the scientific journal Cell Reports published the results of a study conducted under the supervision of Professor Martin Leveques that describe protein cFLIP, can protect the skin from premature aging.
The importance of cFLIP protein to protect cells from destruction and saving the skin as a protective cover has been proven during laboratory tests. In places on the skin where the protein cFLIP has been purposefully blocked, started strong inflammation of the skin, and also observed massive death of keratocytes — the most common cells of the epidermis.
In addition, the researchers found that this protective mechanism important role is probably played by the tumor necrosis factor, which is an important mediator of inflammation.
It is noticed that the patients with complex reaction to medicines in areas of cell death there is a loss of protein сFLIP. Studies provide the basis for new therapeutic approaches to the treatment of such complicated reactions to medicines.
Source: estet-portal.com
The importance of cFLIP protein to protect cells from destruction and saving the skin as a protective cover has been proven during laboratory tests. In places on the skin where the protein cFLIP has been purposefully blocked, started strong inflammation of the skin, and also observed massive death of keratocytes — the most common cells of the epidermis.
In addition, the researchers found that this protective mechanism important role is probably played by the tumor necrosis factor, which is an important mediator of inflammation.
It is noticed that the patients with complex reaction to medicines in areas of cell death there is a loss of protein сFLIP. Studies provide the basis for new therapeutic approaches to the treatment of such complicated reactions to medicines.

Source: estet-portal.com
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