A new trend in the design LivePicture

Green walls seem to be the next big thing, which will serve as interior decoration for rooms, and you can already observe how they are distributed everywhere from cafes to living rooms of ordinary residential apartments.
Some of them may need more care or maintenance or all at once, but LivePicture is a product that allows anyone to transform a space just with the help of wall-mounted planter. At LivePicture modern design and high build quality.
Vegetable kit, a family business, which is also controlled by the family, was created as an opportunity for those who wish to include a bit of living vegetation in their space.

These living pictures come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit any room, plus they need to be watered only once or twice a month! Live plants on the walls are not only beautiful — they purify the air around you and bring a wonderful sense of calm to any room.
Steel frame with powder coating available in silver, white and color charcoal. It is quite easy to service — no hassle, low water consumption and modular design. Hanging on the wall as easily as a picture; does not require any electricity.
Source: eco-portal.kz