Persistent vision—a simple and useful exercises for eyes

The average person blinks about 20 times a minute. But when we ustavima in a monitor or television, the process of blinking is greatly reduced and eventually the eye begins to "dry up", leading to blurred vision. Therefore, there is a simple and quick exercises for eyes which help to keep the humidity of the cornea is always at the proper level.
Let's start:
1) 10 seconds quickly blinked, and then the same look just in front of him (repeat 3 times)
2) Close your eyes and begin to rotate the eye left-right-up-down (4 repeat)
3) Close our eyes and begin to look up and down (4 times)
4)Tightly screw up the eyes, and then abruptly and widely open (repeat 5 times)
This charging will take a maximum of 2 minutes, but will help to preserve vision for years to come. Also, as an alternative, you can use any 4 exercises from this list and repeat them 4 times each.

Source: /users/1077