Experts believe that the prospects of biotechnology in Russia is very optimistic
The head of Corporation "Gazenergostroy" Sergey Chernin, who is also Vice-President of the builders Association of Russia, Chairman of the Board NP "Technological platform "Bioenergy" and Vice-President of the Russian society of biotechnologists, spoke about his vision for the future development of biotechnology in our country.
According to experts, already today it is clearly visible to prospective volume of production of biofuels in Russia, which is able to satisfy a significant portion of the country's needs in gas. Based on the calculations of the indicators of the agricultural sector, which currently has 1.6 thousand large livestock farms, and very modestly anticipating possible production of biogas, Sergey Chernin suggested that daily formed their 450 thousand tons of effluent can be converted to 72 billion cubic meters of gas annually.
Yes, this requires hundreds of bostanova, the construction of which requires serious funding. But in light of the sustainable development of the country, such investments will pay off not only in financial terms but also in terms of supporting the ecology of the country in the quality of people's living condition.
It is very important that the raw material base for biofuel production is completely free and is mostly not used now. The portion of waste used as fertilizer, compared to the total volume is negligible. This will result in a development related industries: to increase the sale of gas cylinders, cheaper gas will increase the popularity of gas heating in homes, and, accordingly, the increase in sales of necessary equipment.
In an example of the use of biotechnology Sergey Chernin has led a number of European countries, where already biogas production provides a large portion of energy consumption, and by 2020 its share should reach 30-35 percent. This development is stimulated there is insufficient volumes of natural gas, and biogas production is almost the only way to achieve energy independence.
In Russia the situation with natural gas reserves radically different, but it should not become an obstacle for the development of renewable energy sources. The value of this approach was already recognized almost everywhere, and that in the long term it is the only correct one, no doubt.
Source: zeleneet.com
According to experts, already today it is clearly visible to prospective volume of production of biofuels in Russia, which is able to satisfy a significant portion of the country's needs in gas. Based on the calculations of the indicators of the agricultural sector, which currently has 1.6 thousand large livestock farms, and very modestly anticipating possible production of biogas, Sergey Chernin suggested that daily formed their 450 thousand tons of effluent can be converted to 72 billion cubic meters of gas annually.
Yes, this requires hundreds of bostanova, the construction of which requires serious funding. But in light of the sustainable development of the country, such investments will pay off not only in financial terms but also in terms of supporting the ecology of the country in the quality of people's living condition.
It is very important that the raw material base for biofuel production is completely free and is mostly not used now. The portion of waste used as fertilizer, compared to the total volume is negligible. This will result in a development related industries: to increase the sale of gas cylinders, cheaper gas will increase the popularity of gas heating in homes, and, accordingly, the increase in sales of necessary equipment.
In an example of the use of biotechnology Sergey Chernin has led a number of European countries, where already biogas production provides a large portion of energy consumption, and by 2020 its share should reach 30-35 percent. This development is stimulated there is insufficient volumes of natural gas, and biogas production is almost the only way to achieve energy independence.
In Russia the situation with natural gas reserves radically different, but it should not become an obstacle for the development of renewable energy sources. The value of this approach was already recognized almost everywhere, and that in the long term it is the only correct one, no doubt.
Source: zeleneet.com
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