The robot managed to fix itself in outer space
For the first time in the history of astronautics, the Canadian robot Dextre was able to repair itself outside the ISS without the help of astronauts. To do this, he used a mechanical hand. Canadarm2 He replaced the two failed cameras.
One camera broke down in 2012, when it was captured by two astronauts during a spacewalk. More recently, another camera is not showing clearly, and the Canadian Space Agency decided to use a mechanical arm to solve both problems.
First, the robot removed the camera and put it in the place of the one that was removed two years ago. He then took a new camera from the airlock and installed it instead of the one he had just taken off.
Each camera, the size of an old computer CRT monitor, weighs about 21 kilograms. Moreover, it requires slightly more complex operations than with LEGO figures. Dextre had to unscrew the locking bolt and try not to let it out of its mechanical fingers, so that it did not go to plow the depths of infinite space. And this is a very difficult task for a robot, whose tasks such operations were not included.
Source: techcult.ru
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Fabian Gayet is an artist who draws with his fingers