Travel in human life
Eleven million nine hundred thirteen thousand five hundred two
The man – a wonderful creation of nature and what is happening in his head, what emotions they control is unknown. You can not agree, saying that scientists have found an explanation. I think it is not, because they are continuing their investigation, and this means that a lot more just ahead.
A person is full his desires, and these desires may not have boundaries, they cover the billions in various spheres of our life. Today we will try to understand why people are indifferent to travel. Someone is only a dream and some reality.
Very often, sitting at home and staring at the TV, you can see a lot of information on the different countries, resorts and cities. More can be found on the Internet, lots of photos, videos, commercials flights to the other side of the continent. All this makes the imagination run wild, and close my eyes, a different life, which are all present in reality. But eventually this is not enough, and we try to make the dream a reality.
After all, how would not been a good imagination, are unlikely to feel the smell of the sea, the taste of exotic fruit or traditional food of any nation. Even these seemingly "petty" things have a huge value and change lives, bringing new paint.
Man, being constantly in the same environment, immersed in the routine of everyday life, he loses interest in everything, ceasing to strive for self-development. In other words, he stops, starting to slowly die.
A person needs to get new emotions, but sometimes, it becomes impossible. That's what makes him to change the situation, gather all necessary and go to one of the places that is often flashed on the screen and not leave him indifferent.
That gives people travel?
Something new helps to open herself as much as possible, abilities that have never been seen. Enthusiasm reawakens the craving for knowledge, to create something beautiful. It makes people happy, he begins to live happily. Nobody wants to go back to where it was bad. Thus, the journey to become a drug, and each time the dose must be increased. Begins a new era filled with trips to sanatoriums, resorts and different parts of this amazing world.
Twenty nine million nine hundred ninety four thousand three hundred three
Source: prirodadi.ru
The man – a wonderful creation of nature and what is happening in his head, what emotions they control is unknown. You can not agree, saying that scientists have found an explanation. I think it is not, because they are continuing their investigation, and this means that a lot more just ahead.
A person is full his desires, and these desires may not have boundaries, they cover the billions in various spheres of our life. Today we will try to understand why people are indifferent to travel. Someone is only a dream and some reality.
Very often, sitting at home and staring at the TV, you can see a lot of information on the different countries, resorts and cities. More can be found on the Internet, lots of photos, videos, commercials flights to the other side of the continent. All this makes the imagination run wild, and close my eyes, a different life, which are all present in reality. But eventually this is not enough, and we try to make the dream a reality.
After all, how would not been a good imagination, are unlikely to feel the smell of the sea, the taste of exotic fruit or traditional food of any nation. Even these seemingly "petty" things have a huge value and change lives, bringing new paint.
Man, being constantly in the same environment, immersed in the routine of everyday life, he loses interest in everything, ceasing to strive for self-development. In other words, he stops, starting to slowly die.
A person needs to get new emotions, but sometimes, it becomes impossible. That's what makes him to change the situation, gather all necessary and go to one of the places that is often flashed on the screen and not leave him indifferent.
That gives people travel?
Something new helps to open herself as much as possible, abilities that have never been seen. Enthusiasm reawakens the craving for knowledge, to create something beautiful. It makes people happy, he begins to live happily. Nobody wants to go back to where it was bad. Thus, the journey to become a drug, and each time the dose must be increased. Begins a new era filled with trips to sanatoriums, resorts and different parts of this amazing world.
Twenty nine million nine hundred ninety four thousand three hundred three
Source: prirodadi.ru