The new analysis confirmed that the Moon formed from the collision of Earth with a large object

A new series of measurements of oxygen isotopes provides increasing evidence that the Moon formed from the collision of Earth with a large celestial body (Theia) about the size of a planet, about 4.5 billion years ago.
A group of German researchers used samples of lunar soil provided by NASA from several Apollo moon missions. The head of the group Dr. Daniel Herwartz: "the Differences are small and difficult to detect, but they are. This means: first, we can now be sure that the giant collision occurred. Secondly, it gives us an idea of the Geochemistry of Theia. Theia seems to have been similar to what we call chondrites E-Type. If this is true, we can predict the geochemical and isotopic composition of the moon because it is a mixture of Theia and early Earth. The next goal is figuring out how much material of Theia is in the moon."
Source: nauka24news.ru/