Found the mysterious remains of a pterosaur

Five fossil eggs of an unknown species of pterosaur have been found in Xinjiang province, in Northwest China.
Eggs belong to the ancient flying reptile that could grow to the size of a small airplane. This is the first eggs of pterosaurs, which were found fully intact, and palaeontologists claim they could shed some light on the mysterious, previously unknown species of these ancient creatures.The fossils were discovered in Xinjiang province, and scientists suggest that some of the animals lived in large nesting colonies, just as modern birds.
In total, along with the bones of adult reptiles, archaeologists found five intact eggs. According to experts, species of pterosaur, named Hamipterus tianshanensis, had a wingspan of between 1.5 m and 3.4 m. Dr. Xiaolin Wang, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences: "the Combination of many pterosaurs and eggs next suggests that this species developed gregarious behavior." Scientists suggest: the pterosaurs died during the big storm that hit the colony, about 120 million years ago. Discovered male and female skulls as well as vertebrae and limbs. Pterosaurs are often confused with dinosaurs, but they belonged to a separate group of reptiles. About them much less is known than about the dinosaurs.
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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