Scientists have found the fossilized death
Sedimentary rocks depicting the tragedy that occurred 120 million years ago. Will 3 photos and text.
In the hands of paleontologists were amazing remains - just three of the creatures that eat each other. This was an exhilarating experience and found them smert.Tragediya was played about 120 million years ago in what is now Germany, where at the time of the ancient ocean wave splashing. There - in the ocean live prey and very toothy fish aspidorhinchus (aspidorhynchus). And in the air flying pterosaurs - reptiles with wings. One of them, wanting to dine, fished out of the water a little fish. Scientists have ranked it to the form leptolepides. Lizard nearly swallowed a fish. But he was caught aspidorhinchusom. And it stuck firmly pasti.Pochemu died leptolepides, it is clear - it ate. We can assume that the lizard was perekushen and drowned. But why I had to part with life aspidorhinchusu and not dinner? Scientists have speculated. And the claim that lethal damage that could cause resisting pterosaur were found.
As to whether the flying lizards forage fish that lived hundreds of millions of years ago? Author finds Eberhard Frey (Eberhard Frey), paleozoologist of the historical museum in Karlsruhe (State Natural History Museum in Karlsruhe, Germany) said that one episode of this conclusion can not be done. They say it was an accident. In general, the ancient predatory fish, not their intellect, grabbing everything indiscriminately. Including production, which could hardly spravitsya.Ne possible that dead pterosaur utyanul aspidorhinchusa to the bottom, where he was unable to release the jaw, and finally died. And all together, including leptolepides, they became part of the sedimentary cont. And after 120 million years, this petrified death found Frey.
The length of the predatory fish is about 60 centimeters. Wingspan lizard was a little more.
In the hands of paleontologists were amazing remains - just three of the creatures that eat each other. This was an exhilarating experience and found them smert.Tragediya was played about 120 million years ago in what is now Germany, where at the time of the ancient ocean wave splashing. There - in the ocean live prey and very toothy fish aspidorhinchus (aspidorhynchus). And in the air flying pterosaurs - reptiles with wings. One of them, wanting to dine, fished out of the water a little fish. Scientists have ranked it to the form leptolepides. Lizard nearly swallowed a fish. But he was caught aspidorhinchusom. And it stuck firmly pasti.Pochemu died leptolepides, it is clear - it ate. We can assume that the lizard was perekushen and drowned. But why I had to part with life aspidorhinchusu and not dinner? Scientists have speculated. And the claim that lethal damage that could cause resisting pterosaur were found.

As to whether the flying lizards forage fish that lived hundreds of millions of years ago? Author finds Eberhard Frey (Eberhard Frey), paleozoologist of the historical museum in Karlsruhe (State Natural History Museum in Karlsruhe, Germany) said that one episode of this conclusion can not be done. They say it was an accident. In general, the ancient predatory fish, not their intellect, grabbing everything indiscriminately. Including production, which could hardly spravitsya.Ne possible that dead pterosaur utyanul aspidorhinchusa to the bottom, where he was unable to release the jaw, and finally died. And all together, including leptolepides, they became part of the sedimentary cont. And after 120 million years, this petrified death found Frey.
The length of the predatory fish is about 60 centimeters. Wingspan lizard was a little more.

