Hobbits Tolkien originally from the island of Flores?
Small narodetsPraroditelyami Frodo and Sam from the "Lord of the Rings" could well be a very real characters - dwarf people floreseytsy extinct approximately 12 thousand. Years ago.
And this, of course, not new. The hypothesis of this long runs in scientific circles, but recently in one of his lectures the famous anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevskiy told about it in more detail.
"It is possible that some of the real events of the past existence of ancient hominids could affect the mythology and folklore, and maybe vice versa - folklore reflected in some views that people perceive as scientific," - said Stanislav Drobyshevskiy.
Recall that in 2004, have been described previously found on the island of Flores in the cave of Liang Bua, the remains of a very unusual kind of hominid, which was called hobbits - in honor of the well-known characters of Tolkien. The fact that the remains belonged to a woman, which had growth of less than one and a half meters. But the sensation was not it - in the world, as we know, and today there are a lot of very low-growing population (eg, African or Indonesian pygmies). Archaeologists struck the other - the skull of Homo floresiensis, which had a number of features. Chief among them was a very small volume of the brain - only about 400 grams. It weighs as much brains of chimpanzees, and on average a little more - 400-450 grams. Another interesting fact is that the remains of hobbit anthropological measurements were very "young" - they are between 95 and 12 thousand. Years. Thus, floreseytsy could live in those times, when our ancestors in the Ancient East has tamed a goat, that is 12 thousand. Years ago.
Among the remains were found hobbits and stone tools. It turned out that a creature with a brain the weight is 400 grams, could be made of stone chisels, scrapers and axes. Until now, however, thought that the brain Rubicon - 700-750 grams. Brain size below this limit is critical for developing a purely human qualities, such as complex communication, production of stone tools, the use of fire, and so on. D. However, in the cave of Liang-Bois traces of fire were found, if not detected and burial - the bones floreseytsev scattered in a chaotic manner throughout the cave.
Therefore, on the remains of hobbit often "attacked", some groups of scientists have long been attempting to prove that the bones and skulls belong to microcephaly (microcephaly - a significant reduction in the size of the skull and, accordingly, the brain under normal dimensions of other parts of the body, accompanied by mental retardation - from mild to severe imbecility idiocy. Rarely, an average of one case in the 6-8 thousand. Births - NS), and not so long ago, an article was published, where the authors have suggested that the remains of people with Down syndrome.
However, most scientists agree that it is wrong and we have to deal with the remains healthy, but certainly primitive and not like us hominids. The main argument - in a cave found the remains of more than one or two hobbits, and as many as seventeen. Too it is unlikely that all of them were ill microcephaly, Down's syndrome and so on. The population of the microcephalics survive (especially at that time) just could not. Rather, floreseytsy are the ancestors of Pithecanthropus, got here about 1 million years ago, from the island of Java. The island conditions, as often happens, hominids were ground (some living beings, as we know, in these conditions, on the contrary, "upsize" becoming much more of their ancestors on the continent - NS) and unfortunately degraded (probably in view of conditions in the "paradise" island and the possible lack of predators, as well as a small amount of food - NS).
On the same island of Flores, near the caves of Liang Bua, there Rampasasa village where live wild tribes of people who are too small growth - about one and a half meters, only slightly higher Hobbit - but quite modern.
It is noteworthy that when the archaeologists talked about the find to local residents, those immediately arose the myth that the hobbits have none other than their ancestors. But the interesting thing is that ethnographers working on the island, recorded the legend of local people about certain Ebu Gogo, which reads as follows. When the ancestors of modern floreseyskih Aboriginal farmers who came to this valley from other parts of the island, they met there some little hairy men - Ebu Gogo, who led a very simple life and spoke in a strange language tweet. At first everything went peacefully, and the people began to communicate with them, to exchange products and so on.. But then Ebu Gogo began to steal from the residents of food and children, so the natives exterminated all the Ebu Gogo, and those who remained, forced into a certain cave, flooded its stones and logs and burned. This is not a cave at Liang Bua, the locals even showed it to scientists, but until it does remain littered, it has not yet been excavated. All this is presented as the natives do not a myth, but as a historical fact that, as they say, happened just before the arrival of Europeans on the island. Recently arrived there around the XVI century. Of course, among anthropologists and ethnographers immediately received widespread version that Ebu Gogo are the very hobbits, who were found in the cave of Liang-Bois.
The most amazing is that other anthropologists, working with local communities in other places, found that the same variant of the tradition there, for example, and on the island of Sulawesi, which, like Flores, belongs to Indonesia. As well as in Taiwan and Sri Lanka. So, the natives of Sri Lanka told ethnographers following legend. When their ancestors came into a certain valley, where they met hairy men who speak a strange language tweet. At first they talked with them and shared food, and then they began to steal food, and the children and Aboriginal ancestors herded them into the cave and burned. Meanwhile, from Sri Lanka to Flores, as you know, it goes a great distance in width, at least half of the Indian Ocean. How could it get the locals floreseyskoe tradition (or vice versa - the tradition of Sri Lanka to the inhabitants of the island of Flores)?
The researchers put forward several explanations for this. The most incredible of them - that the events recurred. Others - that it is just a mythological story, walking in the world (as mentioned above, a similar tradition, with slight variations, there is Aboriginal and Sulawesi, and Taiwan, and perhaps the same myths exist in other areas of Indonesia). However, the tradition, as we remember, dating back to the arrival of Europeans - XVI century, while the youngest remains dating from the cave at Liang Bua is 12-thousand. Years, which is not quite the same thing. But it is possible in fact, that in other parts of the island of Flores there and later the remains of hobbits (though in a tropical climate remains very poorly preserved, so finding them will not be easy). Possible, of course, the possibility that on the island of Flores indeed occurred above events, and then legends about them spread to other islands. However, local people of Sri Lanka - Veddas - lead very isolated lives. Therefore, they were to receive such a tradition very long time, certainly not in the XVI century. There is also a version according to which this myth - common and does not have much to do with reality. And when the people knew him, came to Flores and met the hobbits, they realized the terrible history, they say, in practice: the discoverers of the island already knew that at a meeting with small furry little men they need to drive to the cave and slept.
It is also possible that such a mythological story could arise when people first encounter lemurs (on the island of Madagascar, where there is also a legend about a small furry little man, however, this similarity of the story ends), monkeys or very undersized tribes, which are It is known to exist today.
via naked-science.ru/article/nakedscience/khobbity-tolkiena-rodom-s-ostr
And this, of course, not new. The hypothesis of this long runs in scientific circles, but recently in one of his lectures the famous anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevskiy told about it in more detail.
"It is possible that some of the real events of the past existence of ancient hominids could affect the mythology and folklore, and maybe vice versa - folklore reflected in some views that people perceive as scientific," - said Stanislav Drobyshevskiy.
Recall that in 2004, have been described previously found on the island of Flores in the cave of Liang Bua, the remains of a very unusual kind of hominid, which was called hobbits - in honor of the well-known characters of Tolkien. The fact that the remains belonged to a woman, which had growth of less than one and a half meters. But the sensation was not it - in the world, as we know, and today there are a lot of very low-growing population (eg, African or Indonesian pygmies). Archaeologists struck the other - the skull of Homo floresiensis, which had a number of features. Chief among them was a very small volume of the brain - only about 400 grams. It weighs as much brains of chimpanzees, and on average a little more - 400-450 grams. Another interesting fact is that the remains of hobbit anthropological measurements were very "young" - they are between 95 and 12 thousand. Years. Thus, floreseytsy could live in those times, when our ancestors in the Ancient East has tamed a goat, that is 12 thousand. Years ago.

Among the remains were found hobbits and stone tools. It turned out that a creature with a brain the weight is 400 grams, could be made of stone chisels, scrapers and axes. Until now, however, thought that the brain Rubicon - 700-750 grams. Brain size below this limit is critical for developing a purely human qualities, such as complex communication, production of stone tools, the use of fire, and so on. D. However, in the cave of Liang-Bois traces of fire were found, if not detected and burial - the bones floreseytsev scattered in a chaotic manner throughout the cave.
Therefore, on the remains of hobbit often "attacked", some groups of scientists have long been attempting to prove that the bones and skulls belong to microcephaly (microcephaly - a significant reduction in the size of the skull and, accordingly, the brain under normal dimensions of other parts of the body, accompanied by mental retardation - from mild to severe imbecility idiocy. Rarely, an average of one case in the 6-8 thousand. Births - NS), and not so long ago, an article was published, where the authors have suggested that the remains of people with Down syndrome.

However, most scientists agree that it is wrong and we have to deal with the remains healthy, but certainly primitive and not like us hominids. The main argument - in a cave found the remains of more than one or two hobbits, and as many as seventeen. Too it is unlikely that all of them were ill microcephaly, Down's syndrome and so on. The population of the microcephalics survive (especially at that time) just could not. Rather, floreseytsy are the ancestors of Pithecanthropus, got here about 1 million years ago, from the island of Java. The island conditions, as often happens, hominids were ground (some living beings, as we know, in these conditions, on the contrary, "upsize" becoming much more of their ancestors on the continent - NS) and unfortunately degraded (probably in view of conditions in the "paradise" island and the possible lack of predators, as well as a small amount of food - NS).
On the same island of Flores, near the caves of Liang Bua, there Rampasasa village where live wild tribes of people who are too small growth - about one and a half meters, only slightly higher Hobbit - but quite modern.
It is noteworthy that when the archaeologists talked about the find to local residents, those immediately arose the myth that the hobbits have none other than their ancestors. But the interesting thing is that ethnographers working on the island, recorded the legend of local people about certain Ebu Gogo, which reads as follows. When the ancestors of modern floreseyskih Aboriginal farmers who came to this valley from other parts of the island, they met there some little hairy men - Ebu Gogo, who led a very simple life and spoke in a strange language tweet. At first everything went peacefully, and the people began to communicate with them, to exchange products and so on.. But then Ebu Gogo began to steal from the residents of food and children, so the natives exterminated all the Ebu Gogo, and those who remained, forced into a certain cave, flooded its stones and logs and burned. This is not a cave at Liang Bua, the locals even showed it to scientists, but until it does remain littered, it has not yet been excavated. All this is presented as the natives do not a myth, but as a historical fact that, as they say, happened just before the arrival of Europeans on the island. Recently arrived there around the XVI century. Of course, among anthropologists and ethnographers immediately received widespread version that Ebu Gogo are the very hobbits, who were found in the cave of Liang-Bois.

The most amazing is that other anthropologists, working with local communities in other places, found that the same variant of the tradition there, for example, and on the island of Sulawesi, which, like Flores, belongs to Indonesia. As well as in Taiwan and Sri Lanka. So, the natives of Sri Lanka told ethnographers following legend. When their ancestors came into a certain valley, where they met hairy men who speak a strange language tweet. At first they talked with them and shared food, and then they began to steal food, and the children and Aboriginal ancestors herded them into the cave and burned. Meanwhile, from Sri Lanka to Flores, as you know, it goes a great distance in width, at least half of the Indian Ocean. How could it get the locals floreseyskoe tradition (or vice versa - the tradition of Sri Lanka to the inhabitants of the island of Flores)?
The researchers put forward several explanations for this. The most incredible of them - that the events recurred. Others - that it is just a mythological story, walking in the world (as mentioned above, a similar tradition, with slight variations, there is Aboriginal and Sulawesi, and Taiwan, and perhaps the same myths exist in other areas of Indonesia). However, the tradition, as we remember, dating back to the arrival of Europeans - XVI century, while the youngest remains dating from the cave at Liang Bua is 12-thousand. Years, which is not quite the same thing. But it is possible in fact, that in other parts of the island of Flores there and later the remains of hobbits (though in a tropical climate remains very poorly preserved, so finding them will not be easy). Possible, of course, the possibility that on the island of Flores indeed occurred above events, and then legends about them spread to other islands. However, local people of Sri Lanka - Veddas - lead very isolated lives. Therefore, they were to receive such a tradition very long time, certainly not in the XVI century. There is also a version according to which this myth - common and does not have much to do with reality. And when the people knew him, came to Flores and met the hobbits, they realized the terrible history, they say, in practice: the discoverers of the island already knew that at a meeting with small furry little men they need to drive to the cave and slept.
It is also possible that such a mythological story could arise when people first encounter lemurs (on the island of Madagascar, where there is also a legend about a small furry little man, however, this similarity of the story ends), monkeys or very undersized tribes, which are It is known to exist today.
via naked-science.ru/article/nakedscience/khobbity-tolkiena-rodom-s-ostr