Blood pressure affect the human brain activity

Scientists managed to establish, that a strong influence on the memory of having blood pressure levels, especially for the elderly.
Specialists, for many ice conducted a research in which participated more than four thousand people. The average age of the volunteers was fifty years. All, without exception, of the subjects problems with thought processes and memory at that time was not observed. For a long time experts measured the subjects blood pressure. In that moment, when the subjects reached 76 years of age, all the volunteers did a CT scan of the brain.
As shown by the results of the study, those participants whose increased pressure, there are big problems with the memory. In addition, high blood pressure contributed to the rapid development of senile dementia.
As the scientists explain, to the old blood vessels become thin and fragile, and in the case of high pressure are formed microreserve or cracks. This is what leads to multiple hemorrhages in the brain tissue.
Note that as a result of such hemorrhages greatest number of neurons are killed, it causes violations of mental activity and memory.
Scientists believe that such a relationship caused by lack of oxygen in the brain cells.
Based on the conducted experiments, the specialists plan to begin the search of drugs that will mitigate the effect of blood pressure on the human brain and the development of dementia.
Source: globalscience.ru
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