Food rules that we break every day
Ten million forty seven thousand five hundred eighty three
Somehow we often, trying to eat right, focus on what we eat (choose "healthy food", we count calories and the like). Meanwhile, it is worth thinking over how we eat!
The first rule. Before and after
Do not eat immediately after strenuous activity (heavy exercise, challenging physical work, and even strong emotions that are most just trying to "jam"!), and also once you freeze or that long in the heat. Such loads interfere with the body immediately begin to produce gastric juice. You should wait at least half an hour.
Immediately after eating is not worth it to load itself. Better to rest, but not lying and certainly not falling asleep!
Experts advise to walk 15 — 30 minutes to food is well digested. Sport can be practiced not earlier than one hour after eating.
The second rule. Pause…
Eat slowly, take breaks between courses (5 — 10 minutes).
Chew your food well. When chewing is a mechanical grinding of food (that is, you yourself are helping departments of his digestive tract) and even a partial breakdown of carbs and some protein under the action of enzymes that make up the saliva. Correct Breakfast and dinner lasts at least an hour, lunch — at least 40 minutes.
The third rule. Hot and cold
Bad to eat very cold (well below room temperature) and very hot (burning mouth and lips) food and drinks. It should not be combined in one meal hot and cold dishes. This is bad for the teeth and stomach, and in General for your health.
The fourth rule. Vegetables and fruits are the best foods!
Every meal should start with raw fruit or vegetables (there should be, in whole or in salads). Vegetables and fruits, eaten on an empty stomach, stimulate the digestive glands, and motility of the gastrointestinal tract. They contribute to the normalization of intestinal microflora. Besides a low-calorie fruits will fill the stomach and you are unlikely to overeat. Especially useful apples, cabbage of all types, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet pepper. By the way, sauerkraut utility is not inferior to fresh!
With thermally processed foods, and especially immediately afterwards (for dessert) raw fruits and vegetables to eat should not — or they "start" the processes of fermentation and even putrefaction in the intestines!
Rule the fifth. Water and food
Do not drink before meal, during meal or after it! An exception can be made only if the dish is very dry (this should drink some liquid in small SIPS). Drinks clean the saliva from his mouth and dilute the gastric juice, which negatively affects the digestion of food. Drinking is allowed half an hour before eating and an hour after.
Source: /users/104