Non-invasive techniques to improve skin condition
Non-surgical facelift is a sequential series of procedures of various mechanisms of influence, allowing to improve the condition of the skin, add clarity to the oval of the face and get rid of sagging tissues without surgical intervention and the difficulties associated with it.
The main advantages of these methods in comparison with surgery are low trauma, relatively low cost and fewer contraindications. However, with their help, it is not always possible to achieve such impressive results as after plastic surgery, and they persist up to 2-3 years, which partially neutralizes their benefit in price.
All procedures of non-surgical facelift can be divided into several groups:
Hardware techniques
Procedures performed on equipment that uses different types of energy to affect the skin (laser, radio wave, microcurrents).
Injection methods
Subcutaneous administration of drugs that contribute to the general rejuvenation of the skin and improve its condition. This includes some types of mesotherapy, plasmalifting and contour plastic.
Lifting with threads
Such a lift involves the installation of special biocompatible threads under the skin, with the help of which the tissues move to a new position. Although a large number of thread suspenders are attributed to surgical techniques, their traumaticity, as well as the number of contraindications, is much lower compared to other rejuvenating operations.
Deep peels
During these procedures, the upper layers of the dermis are removed, skin renewal is stimulated, due to which the lifting effect is ensured.
Manual practices
Such practices include various massage and gymnastics techniques for the face, which are aimed at activating metabolism and improving the tone of muscle structures.
Source: estet-portal.com
The main advantages of these methods in comparison with surgery are low trauma, relatively low cost and fewer contraindications. However, with their help, it is not always possible to achieve such impressive results as after plastic surgery, and they persist up to 2-3 years, which partially neutralizes their benefit in price.
All procedures of non-surgical facelift can be divided into several groups:
Hardware techniques
Procedures performed on equipment that uses different types of energy to affect the skin (laser, radio wave, microcurrents).
Injection methods
Subcutaneous administration of drugs that contribute to the general rejuvenation of the skin and improve its condition. This includes some types of mesotherapy, plasmalifting and contour plastic.
Lifting with threads
Such a lift involves the installation of special biocompatible threads under the skin, with the help of which the tissues move to a new position. Although a large number of thread suspenders are attributed to surgical techniques, their traumaticity, as well as the number of contraindications, is much lower compared to other rejuvenating operations.
Deep peels
During these procedures, the upper layers of the dermis are removed, skin renewal is stimulated, due to which the lifting effect is ensured.
Manual practices
Such practices include various massage and gymnastics techniques for the face, which are aimed at activating metabolism and improving the tone of muscle structures.
Source: estet-portal.com