How to treat salt deposits in the joints folk ways

One of the most urgent and common problems is the accumulation of salts in the joints. For many years people all over the world are wondering about how to treat the deposition of salts. To answer this question we need to understand exactly what we're dealing with.
Quite often there are those who mistakenly believes that the problem of salt deposits in the body is directly related to the amount of salt that we eat. But it is not.
The deposition of salts is a disease arising from disruption of normal metabolism in the human body, occurring most often due to incorrect lifestyle. To understand how to treat the deposition of salts, you need to understand why and how did the disease.
The first symptoms of the salt deposits occur most often in older people. They are cracking joints, and in some cases in visual discrepancies in the location of the bones in the joint.
Of salt in the body can occur under the influence of various diseases, such as inflammation of the kidneys or diabetes.
They say that the best treatment for any disease is prevention. This also applies to the treatment of salts. A significant role in the struggle with the deposition of salts plays properly balanced diet.
It is necessary to use in food, preferably dairy products, and products of vegetable origin, thus completely eliminating from your diet any fatty, fried and spicy food. Do not overuse the spinach, grapes, meat and fish.
But eating foods such as dill, parsley, persimmon and melon are not only welcome, but also promotes the excretion of salts and harmful substances from the body. As with most diseases in our body turns against us consumption of any alcohol-containing drinks and Smoking.

Treatment calcification folk remedies To address the issue of how to treat the deposition of salts, let's look at some effective methods.
• The first method is based on the use of medicines from the broth Bay leaf. This method requires neither material nor physical effort. The concentrated broth Lavrushka has the unique property of extraction of salts from the joints. The remedy can be obtained boiling 200 g Bay leaf 300 ml of water for 30 minutes. It is necessary two times a day to take the medicine from infusions of Bay leaf, 1 tbsp, diluted in 100 g of water, half of hour before eating.
• The second method is applying a compress on the sore spot. For its preparation you need to mix equal proportions of honey and grated potato, spread the mixture on desired body area, cover with compression paper on top to roll up any available dense and warm fabric. Two hours later, the compress must be remove, and a given area of processing of pine oil.
• You can also use a poultice of potatoes and rye flour. To prepare a medicinal weight you need in equal proportions mix mashed boiled potatoes and brewed in boiling water rye flour. The compress should be similar on homogeneous dense pellet, you will need to impose on the sore spot, pre-pomassirovti and rubbed the joint with vegetable oil and rubbed with turpentine.
Keep this compress need to until the burning sensation becomes too strong, then gently remove from the patient area without washing with water. The use of this method of treatment is best to alternate every day with the application of a conventional iodine mesh in order to prevent the possibility of redness or a light thermal burn.
• Another very unusual recipe of traditional medicine for the treatment of salts in the joints suitable for everyone except patients with diabetes.
You will need 1 kg of natural (nezasaharennogo) of honey and 1kg of seedless raisins. The treatment course for 20 days. Will need to replace your usual Breakfast with honey and raisins. That is one day to have Breakfast 100 g of honey, another day to eat 100 g of raisins. What would seem strange that this recipe but it is very effective. The pain will be during the course of treatment. It should be done 1 time per year.
• Helps to remove salt deposits ordinary boiled rice without salt for Breakfast. About this method I wrote in the article "How to withdraw salt from the body". Highly recommend reading it. It also describes the methods of the "fruit of the broom" and "Chinese pancake."
Treatment of salt deposits by using baths in Addition to the techniques of decoction and poultice treatment of salt deposits can be done with the healing baths. Fit bath with healing mud, clay, sea salt and algae. Bath also helps with this solevyvodyaschie plant like Jerusalem artichoke. 2 kg of the leaves of Jerusalem artichoke pour water, boil in a saucepan for half an hour, then added to the bath. It will be enough for 3 weeks to take a bath for 20 — 30 minutes daily at night.
How to treat salt deposits everyone chooses, but it should be remembered that every person, as every body is different, so do not be afraid to try to apply new methods in the fight against deposition of salts.
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru