5 effective popular recipes from salt deposits
Let's start with the fact that some of the disease, which is called "calcination", simply does not exist. In fact, this household name metabolic disorders, leading to the development of a number of diseases. The pathological process consists in the fact that in the organism there is an accumulation of uric acid salts (usually due to a failure of water-salt metabolism or insufficiently effective work of the excretory system). As a result of the salt or form stones in the bladder or kidney ducts, or are deposited inside joints in the form of so-called osteophytes (crystals accumulating in the joint capsule and form of overgrowth of the edges of the bones).
In the latter case, the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal apparatus becomes impossible due to thinning of the cartilage that covers the heads of bones, in joints, the friction increases, the short nerve endings, develop inflammatory processes. Patients complain of a crunch in joints, stiffness, pain, limited movement, and "weather". Of course, there are medical and physiotherapy techniques to relieve pain and slow the process of proliferation of osteophytes. However, do not neglect the public recipes of traditional medicine: they are accumulated and tested for centuries and can be of great help in the struggle to improve the health of patients.
1. Honey and raisins
This method aims to stabilize the water-salt metabolism and reduce the accumulation of salts in the joints. You will need one kilogram of raisins, seedless and fresh honey (produced in the current year and have not had time to sugar). It is from these products will consist breakfasts of the patient within 20 days, with raisin and honey meal should alternate.
The method has proven successful: pain in the majority of patients become weaker after the first week of its use. The treatment can be carried out not more often than once a year. It should be noted that this method is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes.
2. Bay leaf
A popular spice not only improves the taste of food, but also helps to remove excess salt from the body. The effect is achieved by the action of substances that can stimulate the small vessels and increase blood flow.
To prepare the broth should take 4-5 Bay leaves medium size, pour a half cups boiling water, boil for 3 minutes and pour the entire mixture into a thermos overnight. In the morning, the liquid should drain and begin taking 2 teaspoons in between meals (3-4 times a day). That the drug began to act, will testify the change of urine color (it will acquire a pinkish hue) and increased frequency of urination. The course of treatment should be 3 days. In the absence of negative effects it is worth repeating after a week's break. In the future, this method for purification from salts can be used not earlier than in six months.
The use of decoction of Bay leaf requires strict control over the diet: at the time of treatment should limit intake of fatty, spicy and fried foods, to give preference to vegetable and dairy dishes, to completely give up alcohol. Failure to comply with these conditions may lead to deterioration of health. You also need to remember that the drug has a strong diuretic and tonic effect, so this treatment has many contraindications.
A decoction of Bay leaf cannot be taken:
Pregnant women and nursing mothers;
Patients suffering from diabetes;
People with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, as well as a tendency to frequent constipation.
3. Cranberries
Unique Siberian plant, the berries and leaves of which have powerful anti-inflammatory and diuretic, and is used to normalize the process of removing salt from the body.
With the aim of weakening growth of osteophytes can be taken one of two drugs:
Tea from the leaves cranberries. For cooking take 10 g of dry raw pour 100 ml of boiling water and infuse for 2 hours. Infusion you need to take 2-3 tablespoons twice a day 30 minutes before Breakfast and before bedtime. The course of treatment is 2 months;
The infusion of the fruit. Ripe berries are placed in a glass or ceramic jar, filling it to one third and fill to top with cold boiled water. After a week of steeping, the water can start to drink without any restrictions. We need only remember that the berry, and cranberry water contain large amounts of organic acids that can negatively affect the health of people with increased acidity of gastric juice.
In order to heal the body and relieve a variety of painful conditions used and the raw berries of a cowberry, and squeezed from it the juice, and lingonberry jam. Tea from the leaves of plants and the cranberry water is really shooting pain that occurs when the deposition of salts: no wonder the representatives of the peoples of the North, anciently consumed these drinks practically are not familiar with illnesses of this kind.
4. Figure
The grains of this cereal is able to operate as a sorbent, binding of salt and deducing them from the body. However, rice prepared in a special way (the usual porridge therapeutic effect has not).
To get the preparation you need:
Pour 3 tablespoons of rice, one liter of water and leave overnight;
In the morning the water decanting, pour the rice over and cook for 5 minutes; Rinse the barley and boil it in fresh water for 5 minutes;
Repeat the last step two more times.
Grits, cooked 4 times, you need to eat for Breakfast in the form of heat, and to refrain from food intake for three consecutive hours. A ten-day course of this treatment thoroughly facilitates the condition of patients: relieves pain, eliminates the crunch, increases joint mobility.
5. Pharmacy herbal
Today for sale is a lot of drugs, made on the basis of medicinal plants and is intended for the normalization of water-salt metabolism, and to reduce the intensity of symptoms resulting from its violation. This dosage forms for oral administration, and various rubbing, ointments and gels. Especially popular drugs, which include cinquefoil, comfrey, berries, red elderberry, St. John's wort, barberry bark, birch buds.
Preventive effect and have a food. In the menu of a person suffering from failures of water-salt metabolism, be sure to include melons and watermelons, persimmons, plums, fresh herbs (parsley and dill).
The use of traditional methods of treatment of salt deposits requires a professional approach. In particular, you must:
To include in the diet of patients a large quantity of dried fruit to make up for potassium loss. The fact that most used medications cause increased urine output, and as a result, leaching from the body of this trace element;
To control the correct alternation of work and rest, avoid overwork. Many folk remedies are potent, their use becomes a stress to the body;
Exactly follow the recommended dosage, not to disturb the frequency of reception, not to exceed the duration of the courses, use several methods simultaneously. Otherwise, treatment will not only help, but will bring harm.
Most popular ways to relieve the symptoms of calcification can be combined with traditional drug therapy, but how to do it correctly, you know professionals. Therefore, before using such methods you should consult with your doctor. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: neboleem.net/stati-o-zdorove/8889-5-jeffektivnyh-narodnyh-receptov-ot-otlozhenija-solej.php
In the latter case, the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal apparatus becomes impossible due to thinning of the cartilage that covers the heads of bones, in joints, the friction increases, the short nerve endings, develop inflammatory processes. Patients complain of a crunch in joints, stiffness, pain, limited movement, and "weather". Of course, there are medical and physiotherapy techniques to relieve pain and slow the process of proliferation of osteophytes. However, do not neglect the public recipes of traditional medicine: they are accumulated and tested for centuries and can be of great help in the struggle to improve the health of patients.
1. Honey and raisins
This method aims to stabilize the water-salt metabolism and reduce the accumulation of salts in the joints. You will need one kilogram of raisins, seedless and fresh honey (produced in the current year and have not had time to sugar). It is from these products will consist breakfasts of the patient within 20 days, with raisin and honey meal should alternate.
The method has proven successful: pain in the majority of patients become weaker after the first week of its use. The treatment can be carried out not more often than once a year. It should be noted that this method is contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes.
2. Bay leaf
A popular spice not only improves the taste of food, but also helps to remove excess salt from the body. The effect is achieved by the action of substances that can stimulate the small vessels and increase blood flow.
To prepare the broth should take 4-5 Bay leaves medium size, pour a half cups boiling water, boil for 3 minutes and pour the entire mixture into a thermos overnight. In the morning, the liquid should drain and begin taking 2 teaspoons in between meals (3-4 times a day). That the drug began to act, will testify the change of urine color (it will acquire a pinkish hue) and increased frequency of urination. The course of treatment should be 3 days. In the absence of negative effects it is worth repeating after a week's break. In the future, this method for purification from salts can be used not earlier than in six months.
The use of decoction of Bay leaf requires strict control over the diet: at the time of treatment should limit intake of fatty, spicy and fried foods, to give preference to vegetable and dairy dishes, to completely give up alcohol. Failure to comply with these conditions may lead to deterioration of health. You also need to remember that the drug has a strong diuretic and tonic effect, so this treatment has many contraindications.
A decoction of Bay leaf cannot be taken:
Pregnant women and nursing mothers;
Patients suffering from diabetes;
People with peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, as well as a tendency to frequent constipation.
3. Cranberries
Unique Siberian plant, the berries and leaves of which have powerful anti-inflammatory and diuretic, and is used to normalize the process of removing salt from the body.
With the aim of weakening growth of osteophytes can be taken one of two drugs:
Tea from the leaves cranberries. For cooking take 10 g of dry raw pour 100 ml of boiling water and infuse for 2 hours. Infusion you need to take 2-3 tablespoons twice a day 30 minutes before Breakfast and before bedtime. The course of treatment is 2 months;
The infusion of the fruit. Ripe berries are placed in a glass or ceramic jar, filling it to one third and fill to top with cold boiled water. After a week of steeping, the water can start to drink without any restrictions. We need only remember that the berry, and cranberry water contain large amounts of organic acids that can negatively affect the health of people with increased acidity of gastric juice.
In order to heal the body and relieve a variety of painful conditions used and the raw berries of a cowberry, and squeezed from it the juice, and lingonberry jam. Tea from the leaves of plants and the cranberry water is really shooting pain that occurs when the deposition of salts: no wonder the representatives of the peoples of the North, anciently consumed these drinks practically are not familiar with illnesses of this kind.
4. Figure
The grains of this cereal is able to operate as a sorbent, binding of salt and deducing them from the body. However, rice prepared in a special way (the usual porridge therapeutic effect has not).
To get the preparation you need:
Pour 3 tablespoons of rice, one liter of water and leave overnight;
In the morning the water decanting, pour the rice over and cook for 5 minutes; Rinse the barley and boil it in fresh water for 5 minutes;
Repeat the last step two more times.
Grits, cooked 4 times, you need to eat for Breakfast in the form of heat, and to refrain from food intake for three consecutive hours. A ten-day course of this treatment thoroughly facilitates the condition of patients: relieves pain, eliminates the crunch, increases joint mobility.
5. Pharmacy herbal
Today for sale is a lot of drugs, made on the basis of medicinal plants and is intended for the normalization of water-salt metabolism, and to reduce the intensity of symptoms resulting from its violation. This dosage forms for oral administration, and various rubbing, ointments and gels. Especially popular drugs, which include cinquefoil, comfrey, berries, red elderberry, St. John's wort, barberry bark, birch buds.
Preventive effect and have a food. In the menu of a person suffering from failures of water-salt metabolism, be sure to include melons and watermelons, persimmons, plums, fresh herbs (parsley and dill).
The use of traditional methods of treatment of salt deposits requires a professional approach. In particular, you must:
To include in the diet of patients a large quantity of dried fruit to make up for potassium loss. The fact that most used medications cause increased urine output, and as a result, leaching from the body of this trace element;
To control the correct alternation of work and rest, avoid overwork. Many folk remedies are potent, their use becomes a stress to the body;
Exactly follow the recommended dosage, not to disturb the frequency of reception, not to exceed the duration of the courses, use several methods simultaneously. Otherwise, treatment will not only help, but will bring harm.
Most popular ways to relieve the symptoms of calcification can be combined with traditional drug therapy, but how to do it correctly, you know professionals. Therefore, before using such methods you should consult with your doctor. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: neboleem.net/stati-o-zdorove/8889-5-jeffektivnyh-narodnyh-receptov-ot-otlozhenija-solej.php