Japanese scientists on the verge of developing a new capillary restoration technology

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, migraine, spasms of cerebral vessels increased intracranial pressure, visual impairment, bruises under the eyes and swelling of the face - the reason for this violation of the state of the vessels and the cardiovascular system as a whole.
The main signs of violation of capillary circulation:
  • a feeling of chilliness in the fingers and toes;
  • paleness of the nail plate, nose and ears when washing with cold water and going out into the cold;
  • Blueness of the nasolabial triangle (Renaud syndrome)
  • trophic skin disorders (pigmentation, peeling, the formation of long-term healing ulcers).
To expand the capillaries and thin the blood, preparations of the plant Ginkgo biloba and pentoxifylline are used. To reduce vascular fragility, vitamin C and rutin are prescribed.
But existing on the market means and methods of treatment of capillary disorders at the moment are outdated and often lead to aesthetic defects in appearance.

Japanese cosmetics giant Shiseido is devoting its resources to developing capillary regeneration technology for aesthetic purposes. The Shiseido Cell-Processing and Expansion Center. The work of specialists of the center is aimed at the creation and development of artificial fabric.
The basis for scientific research of Shiseido specialists was the achievements of the Canadian company RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. The companies have already signed a cooperation agreement. Shiseido plans to get its first results within the next two years.
Expert opinion of the portal
While Japanese scientists are pouring their hearts into creating the ability to regenerate capillaries, we are reminded of the importance of following simple preventive measures in case of impaired capillary circulation: 1. If you notice signs of a violation of capillary circulation, consult a cardiologist.
2. Eat foods that contain vitamin C in large quantities. In summer it is corn, watermelon, strawberries, cucumbers and tomatoes, greens.
3. Take a contrast shower every day. Once a week, we recommend taking a bath at a temperature of 32 degrees with salt in a concentration of 1 kg / bath.

Source: estet-portal.com


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