Genetic person's age is calculated on 130-180 years.

Genetic person's age is calculated on 130-180 years. Until very recently, we did not know the cause of old age and disease development.
The latest discoveries of scientists show that the basis of most diseases - a violation of microcirculation, ie, capillary blood, of education concerning free radical (NO *), which damage (oxidized) healthy cells, causing their destruction. A young body can easily cope with this process, producing enough antioxidants, but with age they become less significant and vital aid from getting out.
All our organs consist of tissues, and they in turn from the cells.
The cell - a functional unit of the body. It is up to the health of every cell individually dependent performance of our bodies and our health. To ensure its own existence cell must breathe, eat and get rid of toxins. This triple role performed blood through a capillary network that is linked to all the tissues.
Capillaries - a tiny vessels that are suitable to each cell of the body, enveloping all the bodies in the form of a network. This network is so vast that if the capillaries of one man literally lined up in one thread, it will round the globe 6 times! The capillary is always 80% of the body's blood. Violation of the capillaries - the main cause of any disease process!
In the process of life capillary network clogged "slags", the blood flow slows dramatically, and in some areas even stopped (there is stagnation). Cells were no longer receive oxygen and, accordingly, nutrients, can not give products of carbon dioxide and toxic metabolites (waste products). There is a self-poisoning of the cell and it dies.
With age, this process is well-read to take a mass character, in the tissues there are whole islands of dead cells, and dried (sleeping) capillaries. Very activates production of free radicals (which are even more damage capillaries), lipid peroxidation. Such processes occur in all organs - in the lung, heart, kidney, liver, brain, cartilage joints, etc. - That is aging, the main cause of the disease.
These same changes occur in the skin cells as a result of the aging process, we see firsthand.
When restoring microcirculation improves metabolism, lowering blood cholesterol levels, improve blood circulation in problem areas, which contributes to the rapid relief of symptoms of cellulite and fat metabolism normalization.
It is interesting that after the normalization of the opposite set of weights in most cases does not occur, and patients with a normal physique weight almost lost. This suggests that the weight loss is due to the normalization of metabolic processes.
Accordingly, it improves capillary blood flow, we can slow down the progression of the disease, stop it and even begin the restoration of damaged tissues. At the same biological age will be of secondary importance if the functionality of the body will be restored.
And, again, all the processes taking place inside, can be controlled by the state of the skin. Proper treatment miraculously transform your appearance, it will be better control of its effectiveness.