One vs all Marvin Heemeyer: "criminal" and the last American hero video
Marvin Heemeyer, a resident of Granby, fought not for the glory of America in exile, did not save the sinking of the Negro is not made from burning the White house of George W. Bush. Moreover, the act that made him famous, from the point of view of the law — pure crime. And yet, many US citizens called him "the last American hero". Why?
How to live? Got!
The town of Granby, though called the largest in the County of Grand (Colorado) is actually a dull hole with a population of less than two thousand people. Life here for many years flowed on the thumb. Exactly as long as the leadership of the local cement plant has not made a decision that it is time to expand production. However, the factory adjoined the houses of a few dozen residents, but is it a problem?
Some agreed to move after receiving the payment, others (factory workers) — under threat of dismissal. And only Marvin Heemeyer refused to leave their possessions.
We live in a free country, " he told representatives of the plant, when they once again tried to persuade him to move. — I took out a loan to start a business. I have invested in a house, store and workshop. It is not the money but the principle. I'm not leaving.
— Okay, — replied businessmen, and announced Marvin war. The land around the house of Marvin Heemeyer already owned by the manufacturers, so they shamelessly blocked the only road leading to it. Marvin took them to court, but lost. Stubborn was ready at his own expense to lay a new road and even purchased for this powerful career bulldozer Komatsu. But city officials permission not given — the land belongs to the plant! And to the point. So Marvin has lost the business customers could not get to the garage.
Then the manufacturers cut the opponent Sewerage and water supply — because the pipe is also held on their land. So Marvin was deprived of basic amenities. But that did not stop. At the local Bank (where the cement factory was the largest client) stated that the stubborn misfiled loan, and threatened to take away the house.
At a local station under a false pretext refused to fill his bags, and Marvin had to go for gas to another city. In addition, stubborn plagued various checks. It was pity Marvin to a fine of 2.5 thousand dollars from San aphidimyza. Because his land is waste container that does not meet sanitary standards". This despite the fact that Marvin could not connect to the sewer at the mercy of their opponents! But he still paid the fine, attaching a note: "You are cowards".
March 31, 2004 Marvin Heemeyer's father died. When Marvin returned from the funeral, it became clear that it was finally blocked by turning off water and light. Then Marvin Heemeyer went to town (to leave due to the lack of roads had on the powerful jeep in the mud), stocked up on food and fuel for the generator.
After that, Marvin locked himself in the Studio, and for several months no one saw him. When the factory representatives tried to contact him, he answered briefly: "Later. Soon all will be." No one else could get a word from him. At the same time, judging by the sounds coming from the workshop, there was a bustle of activity.
The doomed city
Disillusioned with the American justice, Marvin decided it's not justice, but revenge. So, on one bowl of scales — manufacturers-millionaires, on the other — the bankrupt owner of the garage. Who will win?
For several months Marvin turned and not useful to him career a bulldozer into a weapon of vengeance. He built a armored box of 12-mm steel sheets, laid cm layer of cement, leaving only a small embrasures for shooting. Equipped with Komatsu cameras with monitors surveillance inside the cabin. Stocked up on water and food.
To capacity filled up with fuel. Took two rifles, a revolver and a gas mask. Then, sitting in the cockpit, with the help of a crane with a remote control dropped on the bulldozer armored box, having immured yourself inside. Marvin understood that he was doomed, so the output of "Komatsu" was not provided. On Friday, 4 June 2004, at 14:30 Marvin Heemeyer hit the gas. It's time for revenge.
Marvin was not the half-crazed misanthrope. He clearly knew who his enemy is: the manufacturers and the city Council. The first time cement plant. Marvin leveled not only the administrative building and the workshop. However, to kill people he didn't, so about 10 minutes was scary growling engine, allowing the terrified man staff to run. Making sure the building was empty, proceeded to business.
Meanwhile, the phones of the local police literally red-hot from disturbing calls. The plant arrived Sheriff and his assistants. They had tried to negotiate with Marvin, but he did not go to the contact, and moved to the city. Then the cops opened fire. But the bullets of revolvers and rifles to armored bulldozer was that angry. The Sheriff raised the alarm, a detachment of police special forces SWAT. But the forces failed to stop Marvin Heemeyer. Marvin continued to move towards the goal, not paying for police attention.
Alone is worth something
The purpose of the avenger was everyone who was trying to get him out of the house. Clearly on the list, later found in the cab of the bulldozer. First he demolished the Bank building (that threatened to take away his home). Then the office of the gas company (the same one that refused to supply it with gas). Then — city hall and city Council. Marvin leveled the editor of your local newspaper (and why on earth the journalists made fun of Marvin Heemeyer in custom publications? Why put cartoons on it?).
Then under the bulldozer blade went to the public library, the firehouse, apartment buildings, owned by the son of the mayor, the mayor and members of city Council. Marvin knew where everything is and what belongs to whom — Granby. as already mentioned, a very small town.
Thus, it should be noted, Marvin tried not to hurt people. He destroyed everything that had to do with offenders, but not demolished any homes not involved in his persecution of the townspeople. Not caused it harm and police. Periodically, Marvin Heemeyer fired a rifle through the breach, but only as a warning — shot by the vigilante in the sky.
Of course, the special forces attempted to stop a bulldozer. Later experts have counted on the armor more than 200 marks from bullets and grenades (they used the special forces). The police tried to stop a bulldozer with a huge earth-moving machines, but from the fight the two giants came out the winner of "Komatsu", spectavi opponent into the wall. Quirky one commando managed to throw a grenade into the exhaust pipe. The explosion demolished it completely, but the movement of bulldozer is the damage is not prevented. One of the bullets struck the radiator, and then Komatsu was moving shrouded in clouds of steam.
Finally, during the demolition of the Department store (it belonged to one of the members of the city Council) bulldozer stalled. The police managed to get into the cab only a few hours, breaking the armor with a blowtorch. But Marvin was not going to surrender: by the time he put a bullet from a revolver in his mouth.
The battle system
Movement of the bulldozer was removed from the helicopter, the operator of a local company. At first, ordinary Americans took Marvin's crazy. Later, when they found out the motives of the act, the attitude has changed dramatically. Of course, for the authorities he was a criminal, but among the inhabitants of Chimaera firmly stuck to the definition of "last American hero".
Not everyone dares to fight with the system and with their lives to prove, that alone is worth something too, and its revenge can be terrible. Moreover, no one in this little war were killed, injured, only property offenders.
By the way, Marvin has achieved his goal. The owners of the plant, which was damaged on 2 million dollars (!), failed to recover from the blow and sold the land, together with the ruins of the enterprise. Other offenders Marvin lost a total of $ 5 million.
Property most of them were not insured. So the last American hero allowed several reputable citizens of the world. But at least they survived. In contrast to Marvin Heemeyer. On the grave which, by the way, there are always fresh flowers.
Source: /users/104