Survivor USA

"War Marvin Himeyera»
October 28, 1951 was born the last hero of America - Marvin Himeyer
This story with a sad ending. Inconspicuous town of Granby, Colorado, became known as the last refuge of the last American hero - Marvin Himeyera (28 October 1951 - 4 June 2004).
In general, he lived his 52-year-old welder Marvin Himeyer (Marvin Heemeyer) in Granby, mending automotive mufflers and nobody touched. As long as the local cement factory Mountain Park decided to expand. The small workshop Marvin is closely related to the cement plant, which was forcing Himeyera and other neighbors to sell their land.
People are small and weak, and corporations are big and strong, and soon in the unequal struggle all the neighbors of the plant gave up and gave him their land. But do not Himeyer. Its land for workshop and store officially bought at auction a few years ago for a fairly decent money. To do this, he sold his share in a large service station in Denver, and therefore was not going to give up their legitimate property. His ground manufacturers have not been able to buy, although trying to do it by hook or by crook.
Desperate to resolve the issue amicably, Marvin began to veer. Since all the land around the studio Himeyera already prinalezhali plant, it blocked all communication and access to the house. Marvin decided to build another road, and even bought a decommissioned this bulldozer Komatsu D355A-3, restoring it to the engine in his workshop.
The city administration refused permission to lay a new road. At the bank to find fault with a mortgage loan and threatened to take away the house. Himeyer tried to restore justice, to sue the Mountain Park, but lost the legal battle.
Several times he drove the tax on taxes with retailers, fire inspection and disease surveillance, which fined $ 2,500 for having in his workshop "was a tank that does not meet sanitary standards." Plumbed to drain sewage from the tank Marvin could not, because the land on which should dig a ditch, too, belonged to the plant, and the plant was not going to give him such a permit. Marvin pay the fine, attaching a receipt when sending a short note: "Cowards».
After some time, his father had died (31 March 2004). Marvin went to bury him, and while he was away, he turned off the light, water and sealed the shop. Then he closed the studio for a few months and virtually no one saw.
All this time Himeyer, disappointed in the vaunted American justice, completing the creation of weapons of retaliation - an armored bulldozer. Komatsu he sheathed his 12-millimeter steel sheets laid centimeter layer of cement. To equip the cameras with image on the monitor inside the cab. We equip the camera lens cleaning systems in case of blinding dust and debris. Provident Marvin supplies of food, water, gas masks and weapons (rifle Barrett M82, shotgun Ruger AC556, Magnum revolver with cartridges). With the remote control, he lowered chassis armored box, locked himself inside. In order to lower the armor shell on the cab bulldozer Himeyer used a homemade crane. "Leaving her Himeyer knew then out of the car he will not get out" - said police experts.
And June 4, 2004 at 14:30 Marvin drove out of the garage on his tank.
Marvin pre-made list of targets - objects belonging to those he considered it necessary to take revenge. First, he passed through the plant, carefully snesya building the plant, production facilities, and everything to the last barn. Then he walked through the town. He took off the facades of houses with members of the city council. He demolished the bank building, which was trying to push him through the early repayment of a mortgage loan. Destroy buildings Gas Company, resigned after a fine kitchen to fill his gas cylinders, City Hall, City Council offices, fire departments, warehouse, several residential buildings owned by the city mayor. Sryli editors of local newspapers and the public library. In short, Marvin took down everything that had anything to do with the local authorities, including their homes. Moreover, he showed good awareness of who owns what. Houses of other residents of the town Marvin has not touched.
Of course, we are trying to stop Himeyera. First, the local sheriff and his assistants. Then the local police, with revolvers and shotguns. Alarm raised local detachment SWAT. Then the forest rangers. In SWAT found grenades, assault rifles at the rangers. Some particularly dashing sergeant jumped from the roof to the hood of a bulldozer and tried to throw stun grenades into the exhaust pipe, but the son of a bitch Himeyer proved to be welded to the bars, so the only thing lost as a result of the bulldozer - is the actual pipe. Tear gases driver did not take the - the monitors could be seen in a gas mask. All attempts to stop the bulldozer were in vain.
Himeyer actively shot back through the cut in the armor of the loopholes. No one from his fire does not hurt, because he shot much higher goals, more simply, in the sky, because did not want innocent victims, but just wanted to scare the security forces so that they do not interfere with him too much. He succeeded: the police approach it is no longer resolved. In total, counting the rangers, they at that time were about 40 people. Bulldozer received more than 200 hits from all that has been at the cops - from service revolver to M-16 grenades. He also tried to stop hefty scraper (Earthmovers). However, Komatsu easily stuffed scraper in front of the store. The car stuffed with explosives on the road Himeyera also did not give the desired result. The only achievement of the police in an attempt to counteract Marvin became a bulldozer knocked the rebound radiator - however, as the experience of quarrying, the bulldozers are not immediately pay attention to even the complete failure of the cooling system.
All that could eventually make a real police - to evacuate is 1, 5 thousand. Residents and blocked all roads, including driving to Denver federal highway number 40 (overlapping federal highway all particularly shocked).
Until the pile Marvin decided to raze small wholesale shop "Gembls." Bulldozer proutyuzhival ruins of the store and stopped. In the sudden silence came the whistling furiously escaping from a punctured radiator steam. Bulldozer filled up with debris of the roof, he was stuck and stalled.
At first, the police were afraid to approach the long Himeyera bulldozer, and then long done the hole in the armor, trying to get a welder of its track Fortress (three plastic charge does not give the desired effect). It was feared last trap, which could arrange for them to Marvin. When the armor finally struck blowtorch, Marvin was already dead. Last Chuck Marvin left to themselves. Living given into the hands of his enemies, he was not going to.
The consequences of the war Marvin accurately described the Governor of Colorado, "the city looks as if a tornado swept through him." The city was indeed caused damage at $ 5 million, the plant - $ 2 000 000. When smaller scale small towns meant the almost complete destruction. The plant has never recovered from the attack and sold territory, together with the ruins.
Then began the investigation. It turned out that the creation Himeyera was so reliable that can withstand not only the explosion of grenades and artillery shells. First Bulldozer wanted to put on a pedestal and make a local landmark, but the majority insisted on its melting.
In humans, this case is extremely mixed emotions. On the one hand, anti-social actions aimed at the destruction, usually cause condemnation. But on the other - act Himeyera called the approval of many people in the US and around the world. Marvin Himeyera started calling the "last American hero" that challenged social injustice that drowns the little people in their unequal struggle with the big corporations and the state machine. Many believe the act Marvin Himeyera admirable because he rightly fought for their rights: in his little war suffered only his property offenders and killed no one.