7 tips on how to fall asleep fast
Medical statistics show that about 45% of adults in varying degrees, suffer from sleep disorders. Sometimes, despite extreme fatigue, we very long could not fall asleep. In the morning, scrambling out of bed, we feel overwhelmed and irritated.
The tips of our portal will help You to avoid problems falling asleep, to improve sleep quality and teach you to Wake up in a great mood.
Absolute darkness
Psycho-physiologists consider it absolutely necessary for the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, without which sleep will not be deep and full. Blackout curtains in the bedroom – a must-have in a modern house.
Glowing items to make better, the lights on the air conditioning or the music center to seal the plaster.
Economical and mobile option sweetolesya is a special sleep mask. This option is the best solution if Your half likes to read in bed late.
Eliminate excess noise
Some people are able to fall asleep only in complete silence, and someone next to the desired sounds. Make the evening sound mode is as comfortable as possible for yourself – departrure from the bedroom ticking clock, tightly close the Windows after airing, or turn on the audio recording of the sound of rain or birds singing.
Climate control
18-20 degrees Celsius is the perfect temperature for sleeping. You must ventilate the room before bedtime. If the window is not noisy, leave it open all night.
In the summer when using air conditioning, and in winter when the heating of the air in the bedroom dry. Put near the bed a humidifier. Replace it can any containers with water, vases of flowers or dishes with floating candles.
If You sleep in clothes, may it be soft and not constraining movements.
Lower stress levels
Outstanding day challenges and conflicts one of the main causes of insomnia. Night aktiviziruyutsya subconscious fears. We fear old age and uncertainty, worried about the changes or lack thereof, fear of competition, remember past hurts and failures that we have suffered. Trying to solve the problems of the day, the brain starts to work in cycles, resembling a circus horse, galloping in circles in search of an exit. Try to set a rule to leave business issues at the threshold of his house. Consider everything that you can think about today at work. Problems of personal relations not to make the bedroom. Be eco-friendly yourself. Do what you can do before you go to sleep without self-incrimination will not put off tomorrow what to do today not. Allow yourself to just be myself. Ultimately, this will have a positive impact not only on sleep but also on the quality of life in General.
Filter information
Information overload is the main provocateur of insomnia.
Don't be omnivorous! Learn to take the important information and ignore the secondary, not worrying about how something is missed.
Try not to watch before bed on the TV or play computer games. After such entertainment the excited nervous system will need at least an hour to prepare for sleep.
Instead, read a book, reading calms the mind and helps to relax. If You Wake up in the night and can't sleep – suggest to have on hand a very boring book, for example, a manual or a tutorial.
Use relaxation techniques
For effective recovery during sleep, the body needs relaxation of all muscles of the body. Fortunately, the converse is also true – if all the muscles are relaxed, the person automatically falls into a deep sleep.
To achieve complete relaxation using simple exercises. Lying on his back motionless, move all focus to the sensation of a brush of the left hand – the coolness of linen, the pulsation in your fingers. Focusing, feel the arm relaxes and becomes heavier, is drawn to the bed. Then transfer attention to the relaxation of the forearm, shoulder and then to other parts of the body. At first the technique may take about half an hour. Over time you will develop the skills of relaxation and You will fall asleep quickly, somewhere halfway, the process of relaxation.
Use autostroy
Automasters is a technique that helps to shift the attention from extraneous thoughts and concentrate on a pleasant, promoting sleep state. Lying in bed before You fall asleep, think about something calm and pleasant. About You caressing sea waves, about how You soar in the clouds on the petals of roses, regarding Your feet, on a green meadow, a bottomless blue sky. Let this be a canvas for Your most beautiful dream. The unconscious can do the rest.
Pleasant dreams!
Source: estet-portal.com

The tips of our portal will help You to avoid problems falling asleep, to improve sleep quality and teach you to Wake up in a great mood.
Absolute darkness
Psycho-physiologists consider it absolutely necessary for the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, without which sleep will not be deep and full. Blackout curtains in the bedroom – a must-have in a modern house.
Glowing items to make better, the lights on the air conditioning or the music center to seal the plaster.
Economical and mobile option sweetolesya is a special sleep mask. This option is the best solution if Your half likes to read in bed late.
Eliminate excess noise
Some people are able to fall asleep only in complete silence, and someone next to the desired sounds. Make the evening sound mode is as comfortable as possible for yourself – departrure from the bedroom ticking clock, tightly close the Windows after airing, or turn on the audio recording of the sound of rain or birds singing.
Climate control
18-20 degrees Celsius is the perfect temperature for sleeping. You must ventilate the room before bedtime. If the window is not noisy, leave it open all night.
In the summer when using air conditioning, and in winter when the heating of the air in the bedroom dry. Put near the bed a humidifier. Replace it can any containers with water, vases of flowers or dishes with floating candles.
If You sleep in clothes, may it be soft and not constraining movements.
Lower stress levels
Outstanding day challenges and conflicts one of the main causes of insomnia. Night aktiviziruyutsya subconscious fears. We fear old age and uncertainty, worried about the changes or lack thereof, fear of competition, remember past hurts and failures that we have suffered. Trying to solve the problems of the day, the brain starts to work in cycles, resembling a circus horse, galloping in circles in search of an exit. Try to set a rule to leave business issues at the threshold of his house. Consider everything that you can think about today at work. Problems of personal relations not to make the bedroom. Be eco-friendly yourself. Do what you can do before you go to sleep without self-incrimination will not put off tomorrow what to do today not. Allow yourself to just be myself. Ultimately, this will have a positive impact not only on sleep but also on the quality of life in General.
Filter information
Information overload is the main provocateur of insomnia.
Don't be omnivorous! Learn to take the important information and ignore the secondary, not worrying about how something is missed.
Try not to watch before bed on the TV or play computer games. After such entertainment the excited nervous system will need at least an hour to prepare for sleep.
Instead, read a book, reading calms the mind and helps to relax. If You Wake up in the night and can't sleep – suggest to have on hand a very boring book, for example, a manual or a tutorial.
Use relaxation techniques
For effective recovery during sleep, the body needs relaxation of all muscles of the body. Fortunately, the converse is also true – if all the muscles are relaxed, the person automatically falls into a deep sleep.
To achieve complete relaxation using simple exercises. Lying on his back motionless, move all focus to the sensation of a brush of the left hand – the coolness of linen, the pulsation in your fingers. Focusing, feel the arm relaxes and becomes heavier, is drawn to the bed. Then transfer attention to the relaxation of the forearm, shoulder and then to other parts of the body. At first the technique may take about half an hour. Over time you will develop the skills of relaxation and You will fall asleep quickly, somewhere halfway, the process of relaxation.
Use autostroy
Automasters is a technique that helps to shift the attention from extraneous thoughts and concentrate on a pleasant, promoting sleep state. Lying in bed before You fall asleep, think about something calm and pleasant. About You caressing sea waves, about how You soar in the clouds on the petals of roses, regarding Your feet, on a green meadow, a bottomless blue sky. Let this be a canvas for Your most beautiful dream. The unconscious can do the rest.
Pleasant dreams!
Source: estet-portal.com
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