Dangerous toys for children
About 15% of children's toys do not meet the norms and standards of production. Oksana from the city of Perm, told me that her son came home from kindergarten with redness all over the body. She reviewed all the products he was using, and couldn't understand what the child has allergies. After examination by a pediatrician, having passed all the tests, found out that the child had an Allergy to plastic toys from kindergarten. As soon as he ceased to play – allergic passed.
Irina from Nizhny Novgorod, happened in a similar situation. Her child is 4 months, and as soon as it's time for rattles, she began to buy them for his son. However, began to appear red spots on the cheeks and the arms of the baby, and once went to the doctor, it turned out that the child has an Allergy to plastic rattles.
Over the past five years, the situation on the market of toys has become more dire — manufacturers of toys added to materials more harmful chemicals, and according to the latest data obtained during laboratory studies, found out that about 15% of the product does not meet the standards. After checking the stores and outlets were able to identify that most of the toys are sold without certificates of safety and quality indicators, as well violated the requirements of the labeling. For all parameters, the toys did not meet the Toxicological, sanitary and chemical norms. Of course, acquiring such a toy, you put the health and life of a child at risk.
The most popular toys that are sold in Russia made in China. Besides, they are the cheapest, and, as practice shows, dangerous. In laboratory studies, almost always manages to reveal harmful chemical substances which enter into the composition of materials for blocks and rattles. About 10% of all the toys that go on sale, made in Russia. However, domestic production of goods does not ensure their appropriate quality.
On the problem, which is to determine the composition of toys and the desire to make them as harmless, are running the world. By experts at the Harvard school of public health conducted an experiment – they conducted a study of over 1,000 different toys on the subject of chemical composition. Scientists Philip Grandjean and Philip Landrigan, his work has drawn attention to the fact that a growing number and volume of harmful chemicals used. This is one of the reasons for the increasing incidence in children.
From plastic cars, the child can begin to develop dyslexia, autism, and impaired attention. Besides, due to poor composition of the rattle, the child has an Allergy.
During the experiment, children's toys were found lead, arsenic and other chemicals that have long been banned in the industry. Besides, formed a list of substances that are used in modern industry but they are also harmful to health. These substances include fluoride, and the question of whether to add it to toothpaste, is quite controversial. Besides, the black list of substances included chlorpyrifos, tetrachloroethylene.
Unfortunately, in every human body there are these poisonous substances are contained and they go through products, household, clothes, toys. And, even at low concentrations of harmful substances, can begin the development of cancers, will weaken the immune system, children will receive birth defects.
Most from the effects of chemical substances affects children, threatens severe consequences of contact of pregnant women with hazardous substances, as through a placenta, they quickly transferred to the fetus, and even with a small concentration effect on the formation and development of the child.
But how to make their lives and the lives of children safer? Doctors pay attention to the periodic cleansing of the body adults and children from various allergens, toxic substances, since it is particularly important to prevent their accumulation.
Children and pregnant women doctors recommend the use of modern enterosorbents, which contributes to the soft and thorough cleansing of the body, no chemicals, flavorings and dyes. The most popular means of such actions POLYSORB. It is allowed to be used during pregnancy and given to young children. If you some time will take POLYSORB, your body will decrease the amount of harmful substances and toxins, chemical elements, necessary for the proper development of the child.
When buying new toys for your child, pay attention to the quality of it. Just smell it, isn't a foreign smell, check the quality certificate. Better to give preference to one car or doll, but quality than top ten toys of dubious quality. Remember, the better your child will play with several toys that will not harm him are real friends than a large number of different toys that can cause harm and trigger the development of various diseases.
Author Anastasia Lezhenina
Source: globalscience.ru

Irina from Nizhny Novgorod, happened in a similar situation. Her child is 4 months, and as soon as it's time for rattles, she began to buy them for his son. However, began to appear red spots on the cheeks and the arms of the baby, and once went to the doctor, it turned out that the child has an Allergy to plastic rattles.
Over the past five years, the situation on the market of toys has become more dire — manufacturers of toys added to materials more harmful chemicals, and according to the latest data obtained during laboratory studies, found out that about 15% of the product does not meet the standards. After checking the stores and outlets were able to identify that most of the toys are sold without certificates of safety and quality indicators, as well violated the requirements of the labeling. For all parameters, the toys did not meet the Toxicological, sanitary and chemical norms. Of course, acquiring such a toy, you put the health and life of a child at risk.
The most popular toys that are sold in Russia made in China. Besides, they are the cheapest, and, as practice shows, dangerous. In laboratory studies, almost always manages to reveal harmful chemical substances which enter into the composition of materials for blocks and rattles. About 10% of all the toys that go on sale, made in Russia. However, domestic production of goods does not ensure their appropriate quality.
On the problem, which is to determine the composition of toys and the desire to make them as harmless, are running the world. By experts at the Harvard school of public health conducted an experiment – they conducted a study of over 1,000 different toys on the subject of chemical composition. Scientists Philip Grandjean and Philip Landrigan, his work has drawn attention to the fact that a growing number and volume of harmful chemicals used. This is one of the reasons for the increasing incidence in children.
From plastic cars, the child can begin to develop dyslexia, autism, and impaired attention. Besides, due to poor composition of the rattle, the child has an Allergy.
During the experiment, children's toys were found lead, arsenic and other chemicals that have long been banned in the industry. Besides, formed a list of substances that are used in modern industry but they are also harmful to health. These substances include fluoride, and the question of whether to add it to toothpaste, is quite controversial. Besides, the black list of substances included chlorpyrifos, tetrachloroethylene.
Unfortunately, in every human body there are these poisonous substances are contained and they go through products, household, clothes, toys. And, even at low concentrations of harmful substances, can begin the development of cancers, will weaken the immune system, children will receive birth defects.
Most from the effects of chemical substances affects children, threatens severe consequences of contact of pregnant women with hazardous substances, as through a placenta, they quickly transferred to the fetus, and even with a small concentration effect on the formation and development of the child.
But how to make their lives and the lives of children safer? Doctors pay attention to the periodic cleansing of the body adults and children from various allergens, toxic substances, since it is particularly important to prevent their accumulation.
Children and pregnant women doctors recommend the use of modern enterosorbents, which contributes to the soft and thorough cleansing of the body, no chemicals, flavorings and dyes. The most popular means of such actions POLYSORB. It is allowed to be used during pregnancy and given to young children. If you some time will take POLYSORB, your body will decrease the amount of harmful substances and toxins, chemical elements, necessary for the proper development of the child.
When buying new toys for your child, pay attention to the quality of it. Just smell it, isn't a foreign smell, check the quality certificate. Better to give preference to one car or doll, but quality than top ten toys of dubious quality. Remember, the better your child will play with several toys that will not harm him are real friends than a large number of different toys that can cause harm and trigger the development of various diseases.
Author Anastasia Lezhenina
Source: globalscience.ru
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