Red wine - for the heart, white for the stomach
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Red and white wines contain large amounts of antioxidants, but significantly differ in their medicinal properties. The reason for this difference is the different production technologies of red and white wine. In red wines the nutrients gives the grape skins, while white wines are made exclusively from the grape juice with pulp.
Contained in red wine substances are quite effective in protecting the human body from aggressive impact of free radicals, which, again, protects its consumers from malignant tumors. A group of experts from the Medical school of Queen Mary in London has conducted a series of experiments on the culture of endothelial cells (the inner lining of blood vessels). The experiments revealed that compounds from the group of procyanidins contained in red wine can inhibit the endothelial cell synthesis of harmful protein endothelin-1, which is considered one of the main factors of cardiovascular diseases. And finally, red wine can increase blood levels of high density lipoproteins, which contributes to the prevention of atherosclerotic vascular lesions, ie, protects against heart attacks and strokes. Among red wines the most healing was produced from grapes Cabernet and Sauvignon.
White wine also has excellent healing properties. It is not as dense as the red – and- its acidity is much higher, and the content of tannins. Due to this white wine a very good thirst quencher. Experts suggest to mix it with same quantity of cold water and add ice cube. White wine treats gastro-intestinal group of diseases. White varieties are good for appetite and are absorbent (liquid-absorbing gases and vapors). These wines stabilize the acid balance. A small amount of dry white wine before a meal it helps to stimulate the liver cells, which causes the flow of bile. It also enhances urine flow, resulting in the cleansing of toxins.
Remember that for people with diseases of the pancreas better to eat not sweet, and more acidic wines, as sweet stimulate insulin production due to the presence of large amounts of fructose. The wine has elements that act as traps for malicious molecules produced in the human body in the process of nutrition. Moderate use of wine strengthens the arteries, reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, prevents cardiovascular disease, slows the aging process of tissues, – experts are sure.
Source: http://www.vivavino.ru
Source: /users/4
Red and white wines contain large amounts of antioxidants, but significantly differ in their medicinal properties. The reason for this difference is the different production technologies of red and white wine. In red wines the nutrients gives the grape skins, while white wines are made exclusively from the grape juice with pulp.

Contained in red wine substances are quite effective in protecting the human body from aggressive impact of free radicals, which, again, protects its consumers from malignant tumors. A group of experts from the Medical school of Queen Mary in London has conducted a series of experiments on the culture of endothelial cells (the inner lining of blood vessels). The experiments revealed that compounds from the group of procyanidins contained in red wine can inhibit the endothelial cell synthesis of harmful protein endothelin-1, which is considered one of the main factors of cardiovascular diseases. And finally, red wine can increase blood levels of high density lipoproteins, which contributes to the prevention of atherosclerotic vascular lesions, ie, protects against heart attacks and strokes. Among red wines the most healing was produced from grapes Cabernet and Sauvignon.

White wine also has excellent healing properties. It is not as dense as the red – and- its acidity is much higher, and the content of tannins. Due to this white wine a very good thirst quencher. Experts suggest to mix it with same quantity of cold water and add ice cube. White wine treats gastro-intestinal group of diseases. White varieties are good for appetite and are absorbent (liquid-absorbing gases and vapors). These wines stabilize the acid balance. A small amount of dry white wine before a meal it helps to stimulate the liver cells, which causes the flow of bile. It also enhances urine flow, resulting in the cleansing of toxins.
Remember that for people with diseases of the pancreas better to eat not sweet, and more acidic wines, as sweet stimulate insulin production due to the presence of large amounts of fructose. The wine has elements that act as traps for malicious molecules produced in the human body in the process of nutrition. Moderate use of wine strengthens the arteries, reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, prevents cardiovascular disease, slows the aging process of tissues, – experts are sure.
Source: http://www.vivavino.ru
Source: /users/4