The confidence factor of life extension
As shown by the study recently conducted by Brandeis University (Massachusetts, USA) in collaboration with the private research Rochester University, those who are confident in themselves and believe that they can achieve their goals in spite of existing and emerging difficulties, are more likely to live longer and remain healthier.
This quality is most evident in the group of people with a low level of education.
Earlier studies said, however, that people with a high school diploma or less education live shorter lives than people with a College degree or with higher education.
A recent study showed that the mortality rate among insecure people with low levels of education, poorly controlling the events of his life, three times higher than for self-confident people with a sense of control of his life from the same group.
Moreover, a high degree of self-confidence and a sense of control of your life erases the difference in the risk of death in people with different levels of education.
As the head of research Professor of psychology Margie Lachman, "people with low levels of education, but a high level of control of his life from the point of view of life expectancy are virtually indistinguishable from well-educated person."
According to Lachman, the findings of the study are of great importance to increase the life expectancy of the population: "There are techniques and strategies raising the level of confidence in yourself and your abilities to control your life and education is one such method. By implementing these approaches in the educational programs and programs of public health can dramatically reduce the risks of mortality".
So before you give up, believing that your life is out of your control, think about how this may affect the duration of your life.
The results of the study were published in the journal Health Psychology.
In addition Lachman participated in the study Stefan Grigori from Brandeis University, Nicholas Turiano and Benjamin Chapman Medical center, University of Rochester, and Frank Infurna of the German Institute for Economic Research.
source: 111let.ru
Source: /users/1077

This quality is most evident in the group of people with a low level of education.
Earlier studies said, however, that people with a high school diploma or less education live shorter lives than people with a College degree or with higher education.
A recent study showed that the mortality rate among insecure people with low levels of education, poorly controlling the events of his life, three times higher than for self-confident people with a sense of control of his life from the same group.
Moreover, a high degree of self-confidence and a sense of control of your life erases the difference in the risk of death in people with different levels of education.
As the head of research Professor of psychology Margie Lachman, "people with low levels of education, but a high level of control of his life from the point of view of life expectancy are virtually indistinguishable from well-educated person."
According to Lachman, the findings of the study are of great importance to increase the life expectancy of the population: "There are techniques and strategies raising the level of confidence in yourself and your abilities to control your life and education is one such method. By implementing these approaches in the educational programs and programs of public health can dramatically reduce the risks of mortality".
So before you give up, believing that your life is out of your control, think about how this may affect the duration of your life.
The results of the study were published in the journal Health Psychology.
In addition Lachman participated in the study Stefan Grigori from Brandeis University, Nicholas Turiano and Benjamin Chapman Medical center, University of Rochester, and Frank Infurna of the German Institute for Economic Research.
source: 111let.ru
Source: /users/1077