How do subway cars make?
Almost every one of us at least once in his life used the services of the subway, but few people have seen how to produce trains for the subway. I suggest you, together with the author of this photo report, go to the Mytishchi factory "Metrovagonmash" and see everything with your own eyes.
First, all the details of the future metro train fall into the procurement shop. They also make ready-made parts for production. In the shop there are 2 furnaces for annealing frames of trolleys, plasma and laser cutting. But before you cut something you need to measure seven times. That's what the markup is for.
Drilling all the car frame holes.
Wheel pairs are selected and tested.
Some small parts are made. Most of the work is done manually.
After the procurement shop, which employs 79 people, the details of the metro train fall into the shop for the assembly of trolleys and bodies.
The rolling stock trolleys are assembled here. Frame, roof and sidewalls are cooked. To do this, all the main elements are fixed on special slips.
In another part of the shop there is assembly / welding of the body.
This is how the cars move to the next store.
In the assembly shop, work is underway on painting and assembling bodies. Assembly includes interior decoration of salons, rate of windows, hanging doors. Electrical equipment, pneumatics and air conditioning systems are being installed.
All systems are connected and checked.
They used to play dominoes at lunchtime, but now people just relax. It's hot, in the workshop +26C.
Finished cars fall into the "warehouse" of finished products.
After the manufacture of all cars of the composition, they are again driven into the assembly shop, clutched and carried out a full check. Then the composition goes to run-in at the factory polygon. Factory run-in takes place on a site of about 2 km in a round-trip cycle and is 30 km. This Oka train 81-760/761 is made for the Baku metro and is ready to be sent to the customer.
From Moscow metro trains, the composition is different in that it has a through passage throughout the train. By the way, the transportation of metro trains to the customer is carried out by ordinary railway on its own, however, with the help of a leading locomotive.
The Moscow metro has ordered the same trains and they will arrive on the line in the 3rd quarter of 2016.
On the territory of the plant, metro trains move with the help of a cuckoo, and the run-in takes place with a temporary current collector installed on the roof of one of the cars. .
In the trains "Oka" 81-760/761 there is an emergency exit for passengers through the driver's cabin.
We had a trial trip on the train intended for the Moscow metro, on the usual Oka 81-760/761, but completely new, smelling of factory lubricant.
Source: nlo-mir.ru
Source: /users/1080
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