How to reduce appetite folk remedies

In the current world of high technology, the bulk of the work is done by machinery. And what remains of man? Relax, showing minimal physical activity. This lifestyle leads to the fact that people began to rapidly gain weight. And the reason is not only a peaceful lifestyle, but frequent raids on fast-food outlets. Because of this, the topic of weight reduction is very relevant. How can you fool the stomach, which constantly needs to replenish its "fuel"?
How to reduce appetite at home? First of all, it is no secret that the fluid is an excellent way to reduce appetite. Absorb the liquid immediately fills the stomach, and the feeling of hunger blunted. In this case, the water has no calories, so the undesirable for your body. In addition to water you can safely consume various vegetable broths. A light soup or broth is the most effective means of satisfying the appetite for a long time. Secondly, it is necessary to eat often but in small portions. With this mode, your body can quickly absorb food, not creating unnecessary heaviness in the stomach. You will be constantly fed, and the body receives the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Tablets which reduce appetite or self-deception? Third, prolonged chewing of food is the "psychological saturation". This method is even introduced as a separate subject in the spy school in the USSR. When a long "processing" of food, the brain starts to receive a signal on its continuous use. What the process of saturation comes faster. Fourth, try all the time to be busy about anything. There is a lovely pattern: the more freedom a person has, the faster he is gaining weight. Highly susceptible to excessive fullness working at home and Housewives who have permanent and quick access to the refrigerator.
Reduce appetite folk remedies or to resort to chemistry? Fifth, it is not necessary to resort to chemicals without a direct need for it. Regularly after the course of diet monitor your weight by weighing. This is an extremely useful exercise. The most valuable in the procedure of weighing is positive emotions that arise during the demonstration on scales smaller mass. With the positive emotions of excitement, in a person increases, he begins to believe that he will be able to cope with the excessive weight, and you can lose 15 pounds without effort and work.
Source: globalscience.ru