Lithotherapy — treatment healing energy stone

Recently, the treatment alternative medicine is gaining more and more momentum. Popular lithotherapy – treatment based on the use of natural stone.
To more accurately describe the concept of this method of treatment is to say that for healing the body uses not only natural and mineral substances, clays, metals, etc. Although the science is still not proven beneficial effect on the body of a stone, people don't stop to admire their miraculous influence.
Before beginning treatment, it is necessary to choose the appropriate stone (how to do it — read the end of the article) and clean it with distilled water. You can also put it in the sun — so it is not only cleansed, but also charges necessary for the recovery of solar energy.
Lithotherapy properties completethere applies the various properties of stones, and depends not only on species but also on its color. The color of the stone should be clearly selected and fit to the particular disease. For example, the red ruby used to combat hypotension and viral infections. From depression – blue lapis lazuli. It calms the nervous system and relieves headache.
The healing energy of minerals accumulated over thousands of years and are now ready to give up their medicinal properties to those who need it. Own, the correct stone can be worn as a talisman or decoration. Involuntarily there will be energy exchange between the stone and its owner.
Natural stones have their own electromagnetic field that comes into contact and interacts with the human biofield. The positive effect that occurs as a result of this process, makes you admire each. Despite the skeptical attitude of science to lithotherapy, some properties of the stones has been proven is rapid cell division, which accelerates the process of regeneration, normalizes metabolism, improves blood circulation.
Lithotherapy is not only the use of external gifts of nature. Vitamins and minerals that are part of the precious and semi-precious stones, they are called trace elements can be taken inside. To do this you must throw a stone into the water and let it "brew", and then to drink, already enriched with the miraculous energy of the liquid.
Inside the body minerals can get, even if just to attach a stone to the skin. Oil also can absorb energy, so putting a stone in it, and then using this oil in food, it is also possible to charge. The mineral, even over time, never loses its medicinal properties.
The use of stone is One of the simplest methods of producing energy stone to keep it in hand. The body must be at rest and it is advisable to listen to the relaxing sounds of the forest, the birds singing, the sound of the sea and so on.
— You can not part with your stone and the whole day. It will be good to wear it near the place which disturbs or hurts. And rotating it over the wound in a counterclockwise direction will cause the pain to subside.
— Therapeutic massage stones, also lithotherapy. It is done by moving the body and simultaneously turning the stone clockwise (for maximum relaxation of the body) and stroking the stone in the body. This massage will help to relax and energize the whole body.
— Water is known to be excellent stores and transmits the information. So you should throw in pure spring water stone and allow to stand overnight. Water charged with positive energy and it will be possible to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. This tool will help to normalize the gastrointestinal tract. The best stone that can be advised for such manipulation – silicon.
How to choose your stone, Our ancestors have long been known litoterapii and the ways to choose the right stone, individually. One of the simplest and available for all to this day, remains a way of tying any of the stone to the outside of the left shoulder. It snaps on the night and in the morning, based on the fact that dreamed of, conclude — it fits you or not. If all night, plagued by nightmares – not your stone if sweet dreams is yours, and if you do not dream – the stone has on you, no impact, look for another.
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru