A homemade mask of sour cream for dry skin
It turns out the sour cream can be used not only for consumption inside, tucking her soup and salads. Sour cream can easily become and homemade cosmetics. Mask of sour cream suitable for all skin types.
Because the sour cream contains a lot of vitamins, beneficial nutrients, sour cream has a positive effect on the skin, makes it silky and soft.If you have dry type of skin, then this collection of homemade masks will be useful.
Mask of sour cream for dry skin lacapere order to start making masks, you need to remember that dry skin needs a cream with high fat content, rather the usual sour cream, from which nothing was removed, not reduced its oiliness etc. it is best to buy such cream in the market, and not in the store.
Face mask with sour cream and citrus sokongan 1 small spoon vegetable oil and 1 egg yolk, — whisk them, add the same spoon of sour cream and citrus juice (any). Thoroughly stir the mixture and add to the density of the crumb of brown bread. The mask is ready, you can apply (preferably cleansed) and keep 20 minutes.
The mask of sour cream and Flaxseed Seminary tablespoons of sour cream mixed with three spoons of flax seed. Their mixture leave for half an hour in a warm place. The finished mask in a thick layer and put on face for 20 minutes.
Carrot facial mask with setanimation spoon of grated carrot mix with a large spoon of thick cream. All, the mask is ready, apply on face.
Mask with banana and smetannogo take 1 tbsp sour cream and mashed banana pulp. Mix them until smooth, apply on dry face, wash off after the same amount of time as the previous mask.
This banana mask can be replaced by buckthorn, apricots, persimmons, apples and gooseberries.
Mask with sour cream and oatmeal for dry skin litovskie flakes, brew with hot milk and cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. Next, mix the sour cream with cereal, taking him and another 1 teaspoon. When the mass is ready, apply on the face. Leave it on the face as much as the previous mask.
Mask for dry facial skin of sour cream and Medusas one teaspoon of sour cream and honey mixed with 1 egg yolk. The prepared mixture is applied to pre-cleansed face and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/
Because the sour cream contains a lot of vitamins, beneficial nutrients, sour cream has a positive effect on the skin, makes it silky and soft.If you have dry type of skin, then this collection of homemade masks will be useful.

Mask of sour cream for dry skin lacapere order to start making masks, you need to remember that dry skin needs a cream with high fat content, rather the usual sour cream, from which nothing was removed, not reduced its oiliness etc. it is best to buy such cream in the market, and not in the store.
Face mask with sour cream and citrus sokongan 1 small spoon vegetable oil and 1 egg yolk, — whisk them, add the same spoon of sour cream and citrus juice (any). Thoroughly stir the mixture and add to the density of the crumb of brown bread. The mask is ready, you can apply (preferably cleansed) and keep 20 minutes.
The mask of sour cream and Flaxseed Seminary tablespoons of sour cream mixed with three spoons of flax seed. Their mixture leave for half an hour in a warm place. The finished mask in a thick layer and put on face for 20 minutes.
Carrot facial mask with setanimation spoon of grated carrot mix with a large spoon of thick cream. All, the mask is ready, apply on face.
Mask with banana and smetannogo take 1 tbsp sour cream and mashed banana pulp. Mix them until smooth, apply on dry face, wash off after the same amount of time as the previous mask.
This banana mask can be replaced by buckthorn, apricots, persimmons, apples and gooseberries.
Mask with sour cream and oatmeal for dry skin litovskie flakes, brew with hot milk and cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. Next, mix the sour cream with cereal, taking him and another 1 teaspoon. When the mass is ready, apply on the face. Leave it on the face as much as the previous mask.
Mask for dry facial skin of sour cream and Medusas one teaspoon of sour cream and honey mixed with 1 egg yolk. The prepared mixture is applied to pre-cleansed face and rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.
Source: lubim-zhizn.ru/
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