Aspirin increases the risk of heart attack

A new study shows that millions of people taking aspirin with heart disease, significantly increase the risk of attack.
Researchers at Harvard University found that 23 percent of people have the gene, which in combination with the drug nearly doubles the risk of heart attack. This study by American scientists is the first to have linked the danger of taking aspirin with gene variations.
Dr. Katherine Hall said: "We need to look at the person as a certain combination of genes, and to take this into account. If this research is confirmed in further study, the next logical step is the validation of these genes before prescribing aspirin." The study involved nearly 40 thousand women for ten years. Of these, 23 percent had a gene variation catechin-O-methyltransferase, which helps the body metabolize stress hormones and are associated with heart problems and stroke.
The study showed that those who had the gene naturally protected and had the likelihood of heart attacks by 34 percent less. However, aspirin reduced this protection and increased their risk of heart problems by 85 percent, and in some cases three times. Unlike these people, a group with a different variant of the gene, originally had a higher risk of seizures, but the appointment of aspirin, reduced the likelihood of problems by 47%.
Study co-author Joseph Loscalzo is convinced: "Instead of giving aspirin to all patients with risk factors for cardiovascular disease, we need to use modern methods of gene identification, to identify those whom the aspirin will give the greatest benefit and the lowest risk of side effects."
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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