Small tricks that will help to extend the shelf life of products
You can save money not only by cutting coupons and running on sales. With the help of these simple, but extremely effective tips, you can keep the products bought with your blood, fresh and appetizing much longer.
1. Wrapping the base of a bunch of bananas with food film, you will prolong the life of the fruit for 3-5 days.
2. Onions in stockings will retain freshness up to 8 months.
3. In order for the cheese not to dry, lubricate the fresh cut with butter.
4. To prevent potatoes from sprouting, keep them mixed with apples.
5. It is better to store mushrooms in paper than in a plastic bag.
6. Store milk in the main part of the refrigerator, not in the door where the temperature is lower.
7. If some product is covered with mold, and had to throw it away, do not be lazy to wash and disinfect the refrigerator. If this is not done, the mold can move to other products.
8. Wrap the lettuce in foil - so it will stay crispy longer.
9. Trimmed necks of plastic bottles with lids can be adapted to cover bags with bulk products.
10. Pour strawberries with a weak solution of vinegar (one part of vinegar to ten parts of water). Then drain the water, rinse with clean cold water and put it in the refrigerator. Voila! After this procedure, the berries will be able to retain freshness for almost two weeks longer. The solution of vinegar is weak enough to taste delicious.
11. Eggs should be stored on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. Thus, they can remain fit for use for 3-4 weeks longer than the period indicated on the package.
12. You can freeze a lot more food than you’re used to, but it’s a great way to save it. Bread, pies, most fruits and vegetables - all this is perfectly stored in ice cream. Just before freezing, do not forget to pack food in special packages or containers.
13. To restore freshness to stale bread, rub it with an ice cube, and then put it in a preheated oven for 12 minutes.
14. Unopened popcorn grains will be less if you pour them into a bowl before cooking in the microwave and cover them with a plate.
15. Keep the least fresh foods closer to the door so you can see what to eat first.
16. Tomatoes should be stored at room temperature, not in the refrigerator.
17. Keep cheese in the least cold part of the refrigerator, such as the vegetable compartment.
18. Lastly, remember that the shelf life on the packaging has more to do with the quality of the product than the safety for consumption. If an apple is stored correctly, it will remain fresh for a year.
Source: /users/1077
1. Wrapping the base of a bunch of bananas with food film, you will prolong the life of the fruit for 3-5 days.
2. Onions in stockings will retain freshness up to 8 months.
3. In order for the cheese not to dry, lubricate the fresh cut with butter.
4. To prevent potatoes from sprouting, keep them mixed with apples.
5. It is better to store mushrooms in paper than in a plastic bag.
6. Store milk in the main part of the refrigerator, not in the door where the temperature is lower.
7. If some product is covered with mold, and had to throw it away, do not be lazy to wash and disinfect the refrigerator. If this is not done, the mold can move to other products.
8. Wrap the lettuce in foil - so it will stay crispy longer.
9. Trimmed necks of plastic bottles with lids can be adapted to cover bags with bulk products.
10. Pour strawberries with a weak solution of vinegar (one part of vinegar to ten parts of water). Then drain the water, rinse with clean cold water and put it in the refrigerator. Voila! After this procedure, the berries will be able to retain freshness for almost two weeks longer. The solution of vinegar is weak enough to taste delicious.
11. Eggs should be stored on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. Thus, they can remain fit for use for 3-4 weeks longer than the period indicated on the package.
12. You can freeze a lot more food than you’re used to, but it’s a great way to save it. Bread, pies, most fruits and vegetables - all this is perfectly stored in ice cream. Just before freezing, do not forget to pack food in special packages or containers.
13. To restore freshness to stale bread, rub it with an ice cube, and then put it in a preheated oven for 12 minutes.
14. Unopened popcorn grains will be less if you pour them into a bowl before cooking in the microwave and cover them with a plate.
15. Keep the least fresh foods closer to the door so you can see what to eat first.
16. Tomatoes should be stored at room temperature, not in the refrigerator.
17. Keep cheese in the least cold part of the refrigerator, such as the vegetable compartment.
18. Lastly, remember that the shelf life on the packaging has more to do with the quality of the product than the safety for consumption. If an apple is stored correctly, it will remain fresh for a year.
Source: /users/1077
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