The most expensive delicacies in Japan

Produced by Nakazawa Foods, this special brand of milk sells for $43. This price is almost thirty times the price of regular milk. The product is aimed at “adults who live in a tense society”, the dairy product comes with special elements to relieve stress. Milk is collected from cows once a week at dawn, a time when the animals release higher levels of melatonin. This hormone can reduce anxiety and even overcome some forms of depression in people, which is extremely important in conditions of high stress among the Japanese.

In a country known for its exceptional and expensive beef, it is not surprising that such a pizza was at the top of the menu of a chain of fast-food businesses. Kobe beef pizza is available on the Domino chain, covered on top with potatoes, onions and luxury sauce, along with high-end Kobe marble meat. You will have to pay $66 for this delicacy.

Fugu fish – $100 If you cook fugu fish incorrectly, the consequences will be deadly, since it contains a deadly poison. Despite this, fugu has become one of the most famous Japanese dishes. A Japanese cook undergoes rigorous training and certification before being allowed to prepare fish for human consumption. Fugu is usually prepared in such a way that the fish is left with a tiny amount of poison, which gives the dish a special stunning effect. The cost of a dish with this fish starts from $ 100 per person. Fugu is one of the main dishes of the country, part of the integral traditions of Japan.

Square watermelon – $800 There is a very practical reason why square watermelons were grown in Japan. Space is sorely lacking, including space for refrigerators and transportation. Solution: making a square watermelon that is much easier to store and transport is a solid benefit. To give them shape, these watermelons are grown in special square glass containers. They are sold in specialty fruit stores in Japan for about $200. In Moscow, wealthy Russians buy this specially designed fruit for as much as $800.

In the 80s and 90s, matsutake mushrooms were an expensive and very popular food. Today it is extremely expensive and extremely rare food, due to the invasion of its environment. The annual harvest of matsutake mushrooms in Japan is less than one thousand tons. The price of such mushrooms in the Japanese market is very dependent on the quality, availability and origin of matsutake. Japanese matsutake at the beginning of the season is valued on the highest scale, and can be sold for $ 2,000 per kilogram, depending on supply and demand.

Wagyu beef - $2,800 Wagyu literally means - Japanese cow, and refers to several breeds of cattle. This beef is known for its clear marble hue. Depending on where the cattle are raised, different feeding methods are used. Some farms even massage cattle, or solder cows with beer. The goal is to produce cattle with special marble meat. The most exceptional Wagyu in the world comes from Kobe, Japan. The average steak can cost around $500, but it can reach a mind-boggling price of $2,800.

Roman Ruby Grapes - $4,000 per bunch Roman ruby - a type of table grape grown strictly in Ishikawa Prefecture. First bred in 2008, this grape is rigorously tested to guarantee quality. Each grape the size of a ping pong ball, but red in color, should weigh more than 20 grams and have a sugar content of more than 18%. Grapes "premium" should weigh at least 30 grams, and the entire fruit ligament should be at least 700 grams. In 2010, only six grapes were eligible for the premium class. In 2011, no grapes met the standard. In July 2013, a single bunch of Ruby Roman grapes sold for $4,000. Each grape cost $110.

Grown on the Japanese island of Hokkaido, these rare black watermelons are known for their graceful freshness and level of sweetness. Only 10,000 Densukes are grown each year. Their limited supply during the harvest makes auction prices literally skyrocket. In 2008, a black watermelon weighing 8 kilograms was sold for $6,100, making it the most expensive watermelon in the world.

Royal Yubari melon - $ 26,000 This melon with orange flesh is a hybrid of two musk melons. Yubari is valued for its juicy sweetness as well as its beautiful proportions. They are most often sold in pairs. The Yubari Royal Melon is often given as an expensive gift to respected people. First-rate melon should be completely round and have an exceptionally smooth crust. In Japan, these melons can be found in stores for $50 – $100 apiece. At auctions, they are much more expensive. The most expensive pair of melons sold for $26,000.

The Toro Roll is a special tuna meat commonly used for sushi. True toro is taken exclusively from bluefin tuna and stands out for its marble hue. The most valuable toro, known as the otoro, is cut off from the underside of the fish, close to the head. The lower variety, chutoro, is taken from the belly in the middle and back of the fish. It's less marble than Otoro. Toro is always the most expensive item on the menu, the price of which constantly changes depending on market prices. One can never predict the price of this exceptional Japanese delicacy, depending on supply and demand. It is one of the most expensive and rare seafood delicacies in Asia.



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