Container garden—flowers yard

British sociologists have found out, what smells seem to be the British most enjoyable. The results of the survey in the first place came the scent of freshly cut grass and flowers. Indeed, to surround myself with the aromas of home owners with lawns and cottages easy.
If you want to favorite flavors accompanied you everywhere, sit along the tracks and trails of plants with those odors that you like. One can do borders strips up to a width of 50 cm (including sprawl), or plant them in clumps (groups of a few pieces).
For planting along paths suitable low-growing plants, such as groundcover perennials (thyme, or thyme, low-growing varieties of oregano, alyssum). With about home, it is advisable to plant flowers with the light shades of pink, purple and white: these colors disappear at night last, extending the twilight.
Thyme, you can also use in decorating step-by-step paths, planting it into the slot (gravel dumping) between the tiles. It does not need to be afraid to step on it – injury when he allocates lasting fragrance and is quickly restored.
Garden paving
By analogy with the decorating step-by-step path you can make a small garden on the paving: it is enough just to remove some tiles or stones and put in the vacated space of the plant. They should not be completely aromatic. It can be various stonecrops (Sedum), young, saxifrages that grow well in the gravel (underneath the paving tiles), low grasses. Planning a garden on the pavement, remember that its beauty is in the combination of rocks and plants, and therefore they must be clearly visible. It is not necessary to close them tall plants, choose a landing cushion-like plants up to 25 -30 cm tall.
Not recommended to plant along paths or next to the resting place plants with heavy scents (Lily, strong-smelling varieties of lilacs, etc.), which can get a headache and be feeling sick. Such plants it is better to place anywhere in the garden or in the side of the house and paths (if the area is small). Then the flavor will be weaker and more enjoyable.

Container garden
A good solution for the "garden of fragrance" can be a container garden, which in cold weather can move into the house where he will not only be pleasing to the eye and smell, but also serve as an additional source of stimulation of immunity at any time of the year. In containers you can grow heat-loving plants which are wintering in the soil is questionable. These include rosemary, Laurel, various citrus fruits (lemon, lime, Mandarin, roses, some herbs (Basil, tarragon, thyme, etc.).
Containers with plants are placed where convenient – you can along the tracks, at the entrance to the house, in the place of rest or a meal. Vases with greens and spicy-flavoring plants supply about space for cooking or eating to be able to use them — because they were not planted only for beauty!
It should be noted that pots for indoor plants don't always look beautiful outside, it is better to use special garden pots or containers for container garden. On this occasion you will advise the sellers of specialty stores and garden centers.
You need to remember
Be careful with smells! They can worsen the condition of people with allergies. After all, the smell is pollen, causing an allergic reaction. Don't be afraid to experiment, and you'll be surprised how often original look at one bed of various aromatic plants — noble rose and dill, orange calendula and blue Catnip, monarda gorgeous and graceful eryngium.
Planning a separate bed of aromatic plants, you must consider the calendar of flowering and the peak of fragrance during the day. To obtain this information from a specialist garden centre to find in the literature or the Internet.
Source: chudo-ogorod.ru/