How to get rid of social media addiction in three steps
To cure the disease, you need to fight not with symptoms, but to find out its cause. Why is it so hard to get rid of social media? Why do we so easily give away our precious time? As a rule, we justify ourselves by the fact that we can communicate with people with whom there is no opportunity to meet live, that it is easy to find music and movies there. But is that really true? Not always.
Most of the time “eating” viewing pictures with different inscriptions, looking at photos of friends, surfing cooking groups in search of another recipe or online game. We only convince ourselves that we are spending our time well and do not notice how we have wasted a couple of hours. This happens for one reason only: it’s the easiest way to get distracted, it’s an instant way to relieve tension. It works even faster than alcohol, which still needs to get into the bloodstream before we get drunk and relax. Modern man does not have enough time for anything, now he even needs an instant rest. And we are not talking about a sanatorium near Moscow - sorting by highway, and other functions of sites that allow you to choose the right option. The point is that a person wants to work - immediately rest!
What literature? What books? Tweet: 140 characters is the optimal length of text that we have today. Notice how often we skip long posts and prefer small quotes. Therefore, it is so difficult to get off this “drug” – it is an instant pleasure.
How to Get Rid of Social Media Dependence
But there is a way! There are three ways to become the master of your time:
You need to limit your time on the network with the help of programs. There are special programs that block the site after a certain time. Set the value no more than one hour a day.
To “break” was not so painful, take your hands monotonous work. Start knitting, sculpting from polymer clay, weaving beaded jewelry, collecting aircraft models, etc. Such activities accentuate the work of the brain on fine motor skills and act on us calmingly, almost in the same way as meditation. If you like to draw - draw, like to tinker - make, most importantly, take your hands. Reading and other intellectual work is best left for later - you will probably find it difficult to concentrate at first.
Unsubscribe from entertainment groups and add to groups learning foreign languages, subscribe to educational pages, watch educational films.
At first, this experiment may not seem easy. But over time, you will notice that you feel great without social networks, and if you go into them, then spend time with benefit. Instead of feeling degraded, you will have a wonderful sense of self-growth and pride in yourself.
Source: karpachoff.com/