The moon can be found ancient fossils
The staff of the University of Kent conducted an experiment, which is the delivery into space of rock containing microscopic inclusions of fossils, which needs to face the surface of the moon. To implement his plan Professor Mark Burchell modeled together with scientists of the University Center for Astrophysics conditions similar to those that could be when they move from our planet to the moon of fossilized diatoms, i.e. single-celled algae, which are characterized by the presence of silicon "shell".
The stone is filled with fossils, was developed by a team in a powder that is mixed with water and then froze, like a meteor body. Received meteor model "shot" using a gas gun in a package filled with water, which corresponded to the launch into orbit. A rise in pressure and the deceleration at the moment of collision with water was simulated collision of a meteor flying at high speed, with the Moon.
Scientists believe that this experiment confirms that, if in the future the moon will find terrestrial meteorites like today find lunar meteorites on Earth, that in them may be discovered the fossilized remains of the past of our planet. With this experiment, finally, scientists have confirmed a hypothesis put forward was over a decade ago.
Source: planetologia.ru/