Can the moon provide the Earth with energy for 10 thousand years

Samples of lunar rocks, which brought the first explorers of the moon contain large quantities of titanium, platinum and other valuable elements.
But that's not all. The moon is also rich substance that can bring huge benefit to our civilization and to make a revolution in the energy sector, writes The Daily Mail.
We are talking about the isotope helium-3, which landed on the moon in large quantities, being brought by the solar wind. Two of them completely filled the cargo Bay of the Shuttle (about 40 tons each) can provide US with energy for one year at her current level of consumption.
Currently, China is seeking a way of mining such a rare isotope of helium, whose volume on the moon, according to some scientists, can meet global energy demand far into the future, says the report, published in The Times.
Professor Ouyang qi yuan, head of a research program on the moon, recently stated that our satellite is "so rich" in helium-3, that its holdings can "solve the energy needs of humanity by roughly 10 thousand years ahead."This isotope is extremely rare on Earth because our atmosphere and magnetic field of the planet don't pass it hit from space. It can be extracted by heating the lunar dust to a temperature of about 600 °C, and then delivered to the Earth.
According to preliminary estimates, the potential economic value of this gas is $3 billion per ton, which makes its production cost effective.
Source: globalscience.ru
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